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Shaktimaan – Every Man’s Man

December 18, 2013 | By

Shaktimaan is a savior who fights against all evils and tries to restore peace in the society.

Shaktiman - The Indian Superhero

Shaktimaan is a savior who fights against all evils and tries to restore peace in the society.

It was just an ordinary day for me until I grasped the essence of the day at the end of it. I was ignorant of the specialty of this day until I hadn’t scanned the pages of my favorite newspaper, The Times Of India from where I got to know about something called “World Philosophy Day”.

This piece of writing is the result of the influence of the article published on the same day under the section Times Ideas and under the column, SPEAKING TREE (It is the column devoted to spiritual ideologies and thoughts).

Literally, trees don’t speak. However, the picture of an old, strong banyan tree symbolizes wisdom or in other words the maturity of thoughts. The article in question was titled, “Learn to respect your gut instincts”.

The contents of that article were so informative and motivating that its effect stayed with me for next few days. I felt extremely peaceful, enlightened and full of positive energy after reading it.

It not only provided me a sense of spiritual satisfaction at the desired level but also rejuvenated some old sweet and interesting memories of past. I want to share those with all readers of this article. I hope, I will evoke the similar sense of awareness in you for yourself which I’d felt when I’d completed reading that article.

Shaktimaan was a household name during our childhood times. It was a sci-fi TV serial featuring a Superhero, Shaktimaan. Shaktimaan is a Hindi word which means man of power. Every superhero serves as a role model for the society.

He is a savior who fights against all evils and tries to restore peace in the society. Where there is a superhero, it is certain that there must be villains who would show up with some awkward and weird get-ups, adding to the level of suspense, action and thrill to which we children were most attracted to.

All children of the house would be glued to the screen of the TV like most innocent and obedient children of the world when it was telecast. We were addicted to it to such an extent that we would also never forget to watch the repeat telecast of the episodes. We were that crazy about the serial. It amazes me when I think about my obsession with any serial. I generally run away from daily soaps.

There were other attractive things in that serial to mention. The serial used to open up with a picture of a human being, shown meditating to activate various Chakras of his body. The entire scene was set under a cosmic background with a faint chant of OM. The scene appeared very fascinating to me.

The scene of Chakras sometimes astonished me and sometimes it left me with a sense of laughter for not being able to understand the thing properly. I was, in fact, too young to comprehend the spiritual aspect of the described system.

I can still recall a few words from the casting song – “jab hota hai aadmi ko apna gyan, kehlaya woh Shaktimaan”. In English this means – “when a man realizes his true worth, he becomes most powerful”. After many years, I can now understand the real meaning of each word of that song.

If we try to connect the virtual world to the real one, we may find a connection. It would not be wrong to say that we are no different from the hero we used to watch on our TV screens for many hours and for many subsequent years.

You don’t believe? You have to believe that we all are Shaktimaan in real life (not different in characteristics from the reel Shaktimaan, though not the look). Yes, we all are spiritual beings. In reality, we are emotionally, mentally and physically very powerful.

Being powerful is our true nature and if we feel we are not, then we are suffering from low gut instinct and that is why the internal chakras of our body have not been activated so far. It is of utmost importance to activate the internal chakras of our body to always stay in a state of continuous awareness about our existence, strengths and purpose of our life.

Sharing my limited knowledge about different Chakras – There are seven Chakras in our body and different Yoga procedures (and Pranayam- meditation and other exercises) have been defined to activate them.

When these Chakras are in the activated state, we experience peace, bliss and everything that we long for. So, I don’t think there is anyone who wants to stay in the state of dormancy. What are you waiting for? Get started now and enjoy the wonderful gift of the Almighty has given to you – life.

Swati Sarangi is pursuing a course in Engineering and has an intense obsession with words, colors and numbers.
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    <div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>Hope is what keeps us going through difficult times. Have faith and you will survive. <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
    Hope is what keeps us going through difficult times. Have faith and you will survive.