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Satyameva Jayate 3 Is Must Watch

October 13, 2014 | By

Aamir Khan’s decisive contribution to the society would be from the Satyamev Jayate 3 television series, only if the society sits up to notice it.

Disclaimer : I am no hard core Aamir Khan fan but respect him deeply for the messages some of his movies gave, such as 3 idiots, Taare Zameen Par, Sarfarosh, Raakh to name a few. Yet his decisive contribution to the society would be from the Satyamev Jayate television series, only if the society sits up to notice it.

satyamev jayateSince SJ3 kicked off eight days ago, I barely found a handful of Facebook posts on my wall against hundred others dissecting the Nobel prize winners deservedness, Vishal Bharadwaj’s intent apart from Bilawal Bhutto jokes and mehandi draped Karwa Chauth hands. You would find most people busy the entire day exchanging Whatsapp jokes but seldom taking out time to step back, reflect and act. Well, to most who don’t stay in Odisha and Andhra region, Hudhud is associated only with the song ‘Hud hud dabangg, dabangg‘, not with any imminent trail of cyclonic devastation. In simple words, the larger issues affecting a significant chunk of the population are not becoming points of discussion or action. India needs compassion and awakening.

SJ3 Episode 1 (Ep1) focused on how sports has changed lives for the better and must be incorporated in our system irrespective of age, earning, profession or gender. I have always believed sports adds more value to life than many text books – working in a team, endurance against stress, standing upto win or fighting even when facing defeat, the art of strategy, the skill of adjusting with diverse players, looking at the bigger goal, achieving smaller objectives to the goal and being focussed on a target. Each of these aspects come more into use in our corporate and business ventures.

Tribal girls from a village in Jharkhand who developed such skills that they even represented India in the Donosti Cup in Spain and won the Bronze medal

Tribal girls from a village in Jharkhand who developed such skills that they even represented India in the Donosti Cup in Spain and won the Bronze medal

Not to forget the physical benefits – taking out negative energies, freeing the mind, burning fat, increasing stamina, pushing boundaries and much more.

In all developed nations, sports is a core part of upbringing! In India the only time city people run are while catching a bus; and jump while crossing puddles or drains. It’s strange a country filled with hard core cricket, international football and racing fans who didn’t bother to discuss this episode.

Maybe it was because no cricketer came to the show. The ones who came – from Geeta and Babita Phogat to Shubham Jaglan to Saina Nehwal, finally got acknowledgment which mainstream media has deprived them for decades (of late ‘News 18 India’ channel did cover the Incheon Asian Games 2014 well).

Most Indians spend on an average two hours on the road negotiating potholes, irresponsible pedestrians, high-on-drug truck drivers, high-on-alcohol swanky car owners, metal rods jutting out of trucks and drivers imagining themselves as formula one equivalents. SJ3 Episode 2 detailed on all these aspects to and how people lie bleeding on road while onlookers refuse to help in fear of getting caught in a web of police, court, hospital and expenses.

satyamev jayate roadsokplease

Aside the heavy vehicle related problems (where frankly the blame should go more to corporate and transport companies, than to poor truck drivers), driving in India is a class issue. I was once rebuked on public wall when my post on importance of paying toll fees to maintain roads got a curt reply “I don’t give a f…, I drive an SUV’.

Car owners generally feel they have more rights on the road and can get out of any situation. That also drives another wrongdoing when the bigger vehicle driver gets whacked even if the pedestrian or the two wheeler was at fault.

SJ3’s appeal to put seat belts, call police when a victim needs help, escort a bleeding person to hospital, not drink while driving, to report any rash driving, report any truck with metallic rods coming out, ensure any vehicle you are sitting on is proper condition are basic. Citizens may ignore SJ3 as it lacks the masala tears concept, but can help doing these steps to ensure such accidents occur less.

India on an average has 1500 road accidents per day. An accident can happen to anyone, anytime, even you too. Only way to check that is by taking the precautionary steps to reduce this mind-bending number. Act before the need to react.

Rating of both episodes : 5/5

Pictures used in this article are courtesy Satyamev Jayate Facebook Page

Avijit Das Patnaik is a banker by profession, network marketeer by choice, frequent traveller by rule, mad about sports by religion, socially active, foodie, stand up comedian (even while sitting) and Moviemaniac by diet.
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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
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