We are very glad and honoured to announce the results of our Roseate Sonnets contest, for which we received an overwhelming response in Learning and Creativity.
The Winners Are
Judges: Lopa Banerjee, Elizabeth Kuriakose and Koshy A.V.
Judges decision is final and no correspondence or conversation of any sort will be entertained on this any more.
While we received many extremely fine sonnets, we hope to bring out a book or e-book of ROSEATE SONNETS at some future date, including only the best ones of each poet who participated. Please do keep on the lookout for more news on this project.
We are delighted to share the prize-winning poems with our readers.
Trapped – A Roseate Sonnet
Winning Poem for Striking and Memorable Imagery
Reena Prasad
A spider caught in its own web must be how God feels
A spider caught in its own web must be how God feels.
Battles fought in his own name, something he could never foresee
Trapped in the tangles of creation I often wonder how he deals.
Peace and beauty his dreams perhaps but this world refuses to see
Things are always out of hand so he has to do his rounds
It must be terrible never to relax, never to be free of tensions
He can’t ever take a break, not while this race abounds
He must be tired to death of such situations
Why did you build this world dear god, you hold a tiger’s tail
Sentenced forever to a prison with no one to grant you bail
R eason-starved lawyers rush to defend your case
O utsmarted judges with guns decide to decide your fate
S aviour of an ungrateful world if only in decrepit manuscripts
E xisting perhaps to survive just as a bedtime myth
On Felling A Vazha
Winning Poem for Striking and Memorable Imagery
Reena Prasad
Round bird eyes accuse me of de-fruiting slender trees
Strict-eyed, a jungle babbler sits on the fallen banana stem
Scolding me as she lets the whole world know what I have done
“Cut the tree and stolen the fruit?” Ready to flee, I hitch up my skirt’s hem
A dew shower from the tall aanjali and she leaves on a hopping run
The kakka thampuratti doesn’t consider it an act done naughtily
Gleaming black, straight-backed, she stiffens down to the tips of her elegant tail
Cocks her smooth head and looks at me and the dying plant haughtily
I stumble and retreat, bananas forgotten in face of her trilling gale
The backyard teems with accusing yellows, browns, brilliant blues and black
A kaleidoscope of mynas, kingfishers, orioles and sparrows arrive, help! it’s a trap
Round bird eyes accuse me of de-fruiting slender trees
On every branch, flapping wings denounce my act of treachery
Sounding me off in every musical tongue, to their ire they give lease
Enchanting everyone for miles around but bird-lashed, I slink away guiltily
* Vazha Banana( the plant)
* Kakka Thampuratti racket -tailed drongo
* Aanjali wild jack/jungle jack
Winning Poem for Exceptional Poetic Skill and Craft
Michele Baron
or sent some modest token
before the youth of days was done
I’d wished you might have spoken
while still I knew the sun
or sent some modest token
before the youth of days was done
to have seen, glowing, in the mist,
the joy which might have been,
to have felt, knowing, once, love, and kissed,
to sate desires keen…
yet but a dream it must remain, for words were never said,
and I rest, silent, loath to profane that path I ne’er did tread
revere the possibilities
of love when they transpire
sad, such star-crossed hearts as these
ending as verses sung to a lyre.
Winning Poem for Originality of Poetic Expression
Daipayan Nair
S- ay they that even roses do bleed
The sweat stained cooker in fumes
Nile dripping in tempted tunes
A clutch, a hold; the eager rolled
The whistle in a tale, ready to unfold.
Juvenile hours amidst marine showers
Marks of younghood imprinted without fail
A twist, a turn; the cookery ready to burn
The pirate penning his sail.
It was evening; it is moon
There will be a shift soon.
R- ainbows sketched though no rain
O- ffered is an eager shade
S- ay they that even roses do bleed
E- ffective remains the trade.
Touch of Youth
Winning Poem for Originality of Poetic Expression
Daipayan Nair
R- ise does she with a thought
O- ff goes the flapping
Noon lit lanes with a touch grim
The dove with its larynx dipped in scream
The gammer old tries a new found trick
Pokes the freedom with her stick.
Does she not bask in the welcoming dusk?
Is that effort a mask?
Does she not play the piper’s pipe-
reminiscing meadows ripe?
Where are you?
Answers nil but curiosities anew
R- ise does she with a thought
O- ff goes the flapping
S- ees with a keen eye, the juvenile rose
E- ssence of which tattooed on her skin.
Pictures courtesy Morguefile and Clker
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Learning and Creativity publishes articles, stories, poems, reviews, and other literary works, artworks, photographs and other publishable material contributed by writers, artists and photographers as a friendly gesture. The opinions shared by the writers, artists and photographers are their personal opinion and does not reflect the opinion of Learning and Creativity- emagazine. Images used in the posts (not including those from Learning and Creativity's own photo archives) have been procured from the contributors themselves, public forums, social networking sites, publicity releases, free photo sites such as Pixabay, Pexels, Morguefile, etc and Wikimedia Creative Commons. Please inform us if any of the images used here are copyrighted, we will pull those images down.
I am so excited and at the same time left speechless. Thanks to my judges for their generous decision. Thanks once again 🙂
Congratulations winners!!!
Some of the comments received on Facebook for this article:
Antara Nanda Mondal · Editor/Creative Director at Wisitech InfoSolutions Pvt Ltd
Heartiest Congratulations Reena Prasad! Delighted you liked the presentation too. The poems are exceptional and have added so much value to Learning and Creativity. Hats off to the judges as well – Dr Koshy Sir, Lopa Banerjee and Elizabeth Kuriakose for a great and creatively fulfilling contest and choice of winners.
Reena Prasad · Ispat English Medium School
Thank you Antara Nanda Mondal. Learning and Creativity is a wonderful place to be featured in. Congrats on this great site!
Michele Baron · Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
thank you very much, Lopa Banerjee for this very nice page of poetry and pictures; wonderful poems, all authors, and especially Reena Prasad, and Daipayan Nair, and Fatima Afshan. Thank you for this form, Ampat Koshy, and for judging, Miss Lopa Banerjee, Elizabeth Kuriakose, and Ampat Koshy
Antara Nanda Mondal · Editor/Creative Director at Wisitech InfoSolutions Pvt Ltd
Congratulations Michele Baron! Yours is a beautiful poem indeed!
Michele Baron · Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Antara Nanda Mondal thank you very much smile emoticon and thank you for helping me find this post, too smile emoticon cheers and kindest regards
Priya Batra · System Administrator at YoGadz
Congratulations to the winners
Pramila Khadun · SNDT Women’s University
Congratulations to the four winning poets, beautiful poems indeed.
Reena Prasad · Ispat English Medium School
Thank you Judges. Honoured and thrilled too! What a grand presentation of the winning poems, some real hard work has gone into it. Congrats to Daipayan Nair, Michele Baron Fatima Afshan and to everyone who participated.This is a triumph of this unique form and its creator Dr. Ampat Koshy. It was great fun learning it and writing in it. To the THREE ROSES-our judges Lopa Banerjee, Elizabeth Kuriakose and Dr Koshy- THANK YOU!