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Roots and Meanderings – Anthology of Selected Short Stories Launched in Kindle edition on Amazon

January 24, 2015 | By

Roots and Meanderings – Learning and Creativity Anthology of Selected Short Stories is now out in Kindle Edition on Amazon. This book, born out of Short Stories Contest organized by Learning and Creativity is made up of 10 selected stories, each from a different author. The range of authors takes in published authors as well as budding short story writers.

Roots and Meanderings, Learning and Creativity Anthology of Selected Short Stories is now out in its maiden Kindle edition on Amazon!

It is a moment of great joy and delight for us to formally announce the availability of this book today, especially on a day when everyone, kids and grownups are celebrating learning and knowledge with the worship of Goddess Saraswati on the auspicious occasion of Basant Panchami.


We extend a very BIG THANK YOU to all our authors for having faith and patience in us and for unequivocally agreeing to the edits we made to the stories in our journey to put this book together.

We also want to thank Lopa Banerjee for writing a wonderful foreword and review of this book, published exclusively in Learning and Creativity, which aptly captures the simplicity and creative spirit that forms the core of the stories presented in Roots and Meanderings. Please read Roots and Meanderings — A Collection of Ten Fresh, Engaging Fictional Narratives.

This book, born out of Short Stories Contest organized by Learning and Creativity is made up of 10 selected stories, each from a different author. The range of authors takes in published authors as well as budding short story writers.

The authors in this collection are:

– Mirror, Mirror on the Street (By Kaartikeya Bajpai)
– AmbCa – The Ambulance (By Arunabh)
– A Feeling of Togetherness (By Palak Singh)
– A New Leaf (By Shakun R Narang)
– B 47/3 Gulabganj (By Shahana Roy)
– Mom, For You and You Alone (By Gitanjali Maria)
– My Elongated Shadow (By Beena Raghavan)
– The Perfect Match (By Sonal Agrawal)
– The Summers I Remember (By Sunil Guri)
– When the Bamboo Flowered (By Paulami Duttagupta)

More about our authors on Facebook

Roots and Meanderings Learning and Creativity Anthology of Selected Short Stories

From the introduction:

The Learning And Creativity Short Story Contest had no theme and hence the mix of stories we received formed a prism of myriad colours, colours that reflected human emotions, sketched as they were from imagination and experiences. The stories spun hues and shades of compassion, kindness and friendship through the innocence of childhood, the intense and protective bonding of a mother and child and of a brother and sister and the dogged human zeal of making a difference. Not surprisingly, love shined as the predominant theme in most of the stories but each love story presented a unique visage of love. Some stories were rooted in memories of the years of growing up, some explored the unfathomable roots of love and relationships while others were about journeys that started with humble beginnings and meandered towards achieving dreams. The title ‘Roots and Meanderings’ emerged from this unconventional wreath.

Just as engagingly myriad is the selection of short stories in this Anthology, so is the cross-section of authors who have participated. From established authors who already have published books and anthologies to their credit to newbie first time short story writers, from teenaged writers to professionals who are passionate about storytelling, Roots and Meanderings has brought together the most unusual and yet engaging mix of authors.

We are grateful to Mr A K Nanda for editing the stories and to all the authors for agreeing to the edits whole-heartedly. We also extend our thanks to Mr Sayan Roy for providing some great pictures for illustrating some of the stories, including the apt cover pic that beautifully expresses the title. We eagerly look forward to receiving the readers’ feedback to the Anthology. Our email address is

Read more about how Roots and Meanderings happened

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
― Yannick Heywang<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” ― Yannick Heywang