I wrote this little poem for my younger daughter Sharanya (Rimli) in a bewildered mental state after she met with her first accident in her school.
Each night, I wrap you up
Your tender mouth and face,
Give you the softest, warmest blanketed sleep
I bite my lips and the salty waters drain down
a labyrinth of pain.
Even if it did hurt from the moment
You were formed,
I embraced its melodies in a wellspring of love,
Wanting the pain glowing
In my body and spirit,
And then it hid away in
Unsung nooks and crevices
In absorbed moments, when
your little hands and feet
Imprinted themselves on me.
I didn’t know when your incessant splash of words and your hushed sleep became my lullaby.
The river crawled back,
Twitching haphazard my indolent face.
Each night, I wrap you up
Your tender mouth and face,
Give you the softest, warmest blanketed sleep,
Each new day, you slip from the tinkle bell of my womb’s sheltered dark.
The day unwraps you in splinters, tainted brown flesh.
I know the river will now pull you downstream.
There waits your world in light, wind, mayhem and danger.
Note: I wrote this little poem for my younger daughter Sharanya (Rimli) in a bewildered mental state after she met with her first accident in her school and had a big cut in her lower chin.
Read more creative expressions by Lopa Banerjee
Poetry – The Hummingbird, Lingering, Living
Musings – Why I Write: The Journey And The Inspiration
Review – Roots and Meanderings — A Collection of Ten Fresh, Engaging Fictional Narratives
I didn’t know when your incessant splash of
words and your hushed sleep became my lullaby. A #Poem by @rooafza http://t.co/a1F8ekAeFl
— Learning&Creativity (@LearnNCreate) February 16, 2015
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Thank you dear Aruna Edula!
what a heart wrenching poem – went straight to my heart .