The once strong walls have now knelt down,
Turned into ruins, the beautiful nest where I’ve grown.
Through the remnants of once-an-abode edifice
are materializing the last traces of memories,
See that corner on the right side
Isn’t it a witness to my smiles and worries?
Now in its ruins, it is the same ceiling
that I stupidly spent hours talking with,
about lengthy details of my first adolescent feeling.
And the same ceiling consoled and cheered me when nobody did.
There by that wall stood my study table,
I still feel its presence in that very spot.
Like it happened yesterday when I’d hid underneath that table
When my friends had gathered here for my birthday celebration.
The once strong walls have now knelt down,
Turned into ruins, the beautiful nest where I’ve grown.
The caring ceiling has succumbed to the time-carved injuries.
Burying here with it are my long-cherished childhood memories.
But believe me it will not end like this,
Every time I’ll see birds returning to their nests,
A strong urge to rest in my dear home will strain my heart once again.
Every time I revisit my childhood, you’ll take shape once again.
A little note: This poem is a tribute to my old house (in the picture) that could not survive the wrath of weather the last monsoon.
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Nice poem Pankaj! Direct dil se!!
Thanks a lot Sir. Such comments fuel the creativity.
Oh it is really heart touching lines……………:))
It is real old memories and treasures.
The best days and tears keep the remembrance forever…. We can’t get our best days back but dear tears and loving memories will make us live and smile on our face.
Looking forward for your next poem …………….!!!
Keep sharing……………………..
Thanks Ma’am,
Creativity only gets better with appreciation. Thanks for your kind words. And of course I’ll come up with more soon.