The Sinhala translation of Ramendra Kumar’s book ‘Dilemma and Other Stories’ was recently released in Colombo. This is the writer’s 4th book in Sinhala.
Ramendra Kumar (Ramen) well known children’s author is not only hugely popular among his young readers in India, he has a great following outside of India too. Ramen’s stories have been included every year, since 2011, in a text book brought out by the government of Sri Lanka. These books are distributed by the government to more than 10000 schools across the country. He is the only author from outside Sri Lanka to achieve this rare distinction.
The Sinhala translation of Ramen’s book ‘Dilemma and Other Stories’ was recently released in Colombo. This is the writer’s 4th book in Sinhala. Ramen was felicitated by the Writers and Publishers of Sri Lanka, for his significant contribution to children’s literature, on 22nd December at Colombo.
Deshabandhu Sirisunama Godage, the award winning publisher and Bobby G. Boteju, acclaimed translator honoured Ramendra at a function held in Godage Book Emporium.
A day earlier, Ramen addressed a large gathering of students, teachers and parents. The first copies of 40 books written by children were presented by the young authors to the Indian writer.
His latest book in English, ‘Against All Odds’, published by Duckbill Books, had its first overseas release on the occasion. (Read interview with Ramendra Kumar on Against All Odds)
Ramen’s Sri Lanka sojourn commenced at the University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Nugegoda. The writer addressed the students and professors of the university on the topic ‘My Tryst with Literature’.
More to read about Ramendra Kumar and His Books
Against All Odds: The Triumph of the Human Spirit – In Conversation with Ramendra Kumar
A Tsunami Called Naani: In Conversation with Children’s Books Author Ramendra Kumar
Bookaroo @ Bengaluru 2017: Books & Bliss with Story Telling!
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