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A Prayer

December 20, 2013 | By

Be a torch bearer
And a pathfinder.
Oh! Lord, it’s my prayer.

Poems about life

Be a torch bearer
And a pathfinder.
Oh Lord, it’s my prayer.

I fold my hands and
bow my head before
an invisible power
without knowing its form
To strengthen my conviction
Reinforced with greater insight
to decipher each action
its cause and reaction.

Oh God, a sincere prayer to render.
Let all our fears-
Fear of being alone, rejected,
Unsuccessful, lost,
Of not knowing identifying others

And our own selves,
Sublime into optimism and courage.
Mould each of us into
Recipients of all virtues and
Appraisal of every value
Residing in your creations.
Transform us into tough contenders

To survive all odds
And extract the essence.
Never let our quest for perfection
Exhausted by kindling our enthusiasm.
We understand that
We are frogs in self created wells.
We are like tiny drops
Constituting an enormous ocean.

So, empower us,
Awaken our weary spirits
So that we can come out
Of our not-so-deep wells.
When situations torment us,
Please widen our visions
To be able to see through
The bright side.

Your presence lies in
Your absence- in our images.
Be a torch bearer
And a pathfinder.
Oh Lord, it’s my prayer.

Check out other beautiful poems:

Chariot of the Gods
Oh Sister
Among the Stars

Swati Sarangi is pursuing a course in Engineering and has an intense obsession with words, colors and numbers.
All Posts of Swati Sarangi

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2 thoughts on “A Prayer

  • Madhu Verma

    Awesome and lovely prayer shared!!!

    I am really touched by the second last stanza of the prayer….
    “So, empower us,
    Awaken our weary spirits
    So that we can come out
    Of our not-so-deep wells.
    When situations torment us,
    Please widen our visions
    To be able to see through
    The bright side”.

    Wonderful way of expressing the optimistic approach and to move forward in life …………….!!!

    1. swati sarangi

      Thanks a lot ma’am!! Your kind words of appreciation has motivated me!! It’s a desire of every writer to receive critics and I welcome that whole heartedly. Thank you again for taking interest in going through my poem .. 🙂

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