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Write a Review Contest

The ‘Write a Review’ contest, organized by Learning & Creativity (L&C), received a number of entries from across India. The contest, held between 1st October and 19th November, 2013 was appreciated by both the participants and the visitors.

The Winners
Here is what our first prize winner, Priya Saggi, had to say

"Won the first prize for my movie review for a contest to celebrate 100 years of Indian Cinema. Feeling great seeing my name and my writing on such an awesome website for writers."

DVD sets of the Classics of Indian Cinema

Today’s Motivation

L&C wishes all its readers and authors a Merry Christmas<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
The journey of life is with many twists and turns. But with faith and courage, no obstacle can stop you from reaching your goals. Keep faith, peace and kindness in your heart, and you shall always shine. Merry Christmas.