LnC presents two poems by eight-and-a-half year-old Sharanya Banerjee reflecting on God, humans and nature.
Dear God,
What wonders you have created
Right here on Planet Earth,
What amazing humans, animals, and plants
You have created.
What great personalities you have
Blessed us with,
What amazing brains you have given to us humans,
And most of all, how many children you create every single day.
But, sometimes you make terrible things happen.
Horrid storms that kill people and animals,
Blizzards that freeze people and animals when they walk outside,
Floods that strand people out in the open,
And much, much more.
I’ve been asking you up there,
“Please just stop making people suffer so much,
and make their lives great like mine.”
I thank you, God, for the great things you do,
And ask you to stop disasters, to make humans
Celebrate this beautiful universe.
Freezing cold snow, pouring down on me.
I spot the snowman, waving to me in the wind.
My two jackets are trying to keep me warm.
I see the dandelions blowing away in the cool breeze.
I see the trees with pink blossoms, slowly starting to sprout.
I start to sneeze a little from the pollen.
The blazing hot sun, glaring down on me.
My super short shorts and tank tops are keeping me cool.
I am spinning my sunshield umbrella in the air.
The multi-colored leaves slowly falling on me.
I see some bare trees, ready to go to sleep in the Winter.
My shirt blowing away in the wind.
More poems by our youngest writers
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