Even when my mind is aflame
and soul afire
even when I walk on
the sharp edge of life
you hang like silver smiles
on my lips.
Even when I wonder I’ve forgotten
my abode
in my own nestle
you fabricate your presence in all the molecules
of my life blood and
with in the glowing charcoal
of my soul;
you are my resort, you are the den.
Even when mind’s hazy eyes
fail to reckon the earth
and all my endeavour
fire to have a space here
I watch a future from
an unknown distance–
the dream of a lightening
moon kingdom.
Even when I watch that time
has plucked the feathers
of hope
I catch my breath
gather the broker plumes
sprinkle the clouds onto them
I became a poem
I love to see you mesmerized
by the beauty of muses.
Even when the carnival of life
the illusions of body and soul
the tears of temporary vanquish
the devil of jealousy
the proud smiles of victory
the aching souvenirs of the past
all seem meaningless
I would not need the spring after winter
as you masquerade warm tender love…
you hang like silver smiles
on my lips…
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Nice poem!!!
I really liked the title of the poem “Silver Smiles On My Lips” which itself sprinkles a lot of happiness and positive energy instantly.
Undoubtedly, the experience throughout the entire journey of the poem is wonderful.