Last few dusks
I sneaked into to the pearly rain falls
lapping, soaking onto the soil
on the rims of the yearning shrubberies
tapped by the sunny annexes
of intermittent, random evening stars.
Showering with a rhythmic accent
on the wreckages and
plumbing tin buckets
in the backyards.
I respond to life
of the busy metro
where I am aware
of allocating my reveries
with the daily displacement
swamping in;
people from most other scenes
assembling here and
asserting their rights.
The passion scattering angels
the sparkling rain drops
fed up with the icy euphoric
cadences of the firmament afar
seized the hierarchy of the liquid streams
the cold winter rains
to go downhill
where even the grasshoppers dare to hum
in the untimely February rain
and blue birds move the eerie evenings.
As I reviewed the blue viewing me
and clouds giving me the space,
dispelling my monotony all at once
I leaped with a transformed spirit
to safeguard my possessions
and save up the moments passing by.
I became prudent with the shower.
What really is the element of this rain?
Am I heeding to the thumping of
the rain’s heart throbs
and basking in
the splendor of a gem
touched by the touchstone?
Anyway, it moves me to allude
everything that passes by
and cling to the cadence
of the heart of this
spick-and-span rain.
Who knows, the rain’s senses
might follow me everywhere–
from a sing-song ferry
while crossing the Hooghly!
While sipping black coffee
in the calming down evenings
the rain might immerse me!
Or from above the
downcast clouds
the rain might reach out to me!
I may have to smile back
in response to life.
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So superbly written Madam
A beautiful description of everyday life of a common person. In the present day hustle-bustle we forget to take out time to stop and recall all these beautiful experiences.
It is refreshing to read them just as if we are experiencing them right in front of our eyes. A very good description.
I need Summary, Theme of Bridge Making.
Please help me Ma’am!.