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Winter in Canada
Driving in cold weather - be prepared
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Winter in Canada
Eastern Canada, including Toronto and Montreal, have short but fierce winter. You will find yourself freezing in mostly sub-zero temps. Don't be surprised if the mercury plunges to -20°C (-4°F). But it is also the most picturesque time.
Atul Rajpoot
Canada-based Atul likes to capture nature's different moods. A spirited amateur photographer, Atul's shots take you through a virtual tour of the places he explores and its wonderful living creations Visit my Blog
Winter in Canada
Ontario Canada
Ontario Canada
Tobermory's Flowerpot, Canada
Ontario, Canada
Swans in Canada
Swans in Canada
Swans in Canada
Ontario Canada

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One thought on “Winter in Canada

Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Mr. Rajpoot…!!! keep shooting, not with the gun but with the Camera…God bless you!!!
