A wistful entourage of memories of an old love soon to be buried under the recesses of a young girl’s mind, addressed to her mother just before her wedding.
Forget him, I absolutely cannot Ma
It isn’t so easy that I would be able to do it in a Voila!!
What seems wrong today, wasn’t so yesterday
You cannot sit on judgement on life’s ways
Life cannot be always a bed of roses
One cannot get everything that one chooses
I had to stumble, I had to fall
To learn life’s lessons, from this past treason
I know I am getting married tomorrow
I will erase all animate traces of my past
From today onwards I have left my mind fallow
That has withstood deceit so callow
I will not let my past destroy my future
Any gaping hole in my heart I will painfully suture
No matter how difficult the road ahead looks to me, I‘ll endure
I have always embarked on unchartered destinations
Without an iota of hesitation
Like a phoenix I will arise and plod ahead unbidden
I have become adept at weaving myriad hued rainbows
From looming nimbus cloud
My dazzling smile tomorrow all pain will shroud
I will sweat out all thoughts of him from my every pore
But chisel those memories out completely from my soul; well I am not so sure
Tomorrow clad in my red Benarasi, sandal paste and jasmine flowers
I will dethrone him from my heart’s bower
Time might heal all the pain and heartbreak I endured
But time can never cure the anguish of erasing my love that was so pure.
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Great…. Very proud of u mini
Paro gradually you are reaching the peaks