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Oh Calcutta!

January 31, 2016 | By

A poem by Sufia Khatoon on the enigmatic beauty of old Calcutta (now rechristened ‘Kolkata’), inspired by a photograph of an old building in the city by Kounteya Sinha.

Poetry inspired by a photograph



Image credit: Kounteya Sinha Photography

Oh Calcutta! I walk past
Your history, standing tall
In a modern world, your blue
Windows, your red brick walls,
Reminds me of age old tales,
Mystical, mysterious, magical.

Oh Calcutta! I touched, I saw, I felt,
The lost soul of a city, Reviving
To my creative calls,
I have longed for your winter winds,
I have woven my passionate strings
In your warm heart, I have seen
The world at large, but I come
To your crumbling ruins now
And then, a reminder of your
Beautiful memory, I hold in my
Vision for the world to see.

Inspired by Konteya Sinha photography because world is inspiring and full of creativity….

A note: Inspiration as we creative minds think comes to those who have crossed the blurred walls of reality into the beyond of imagination…sometimes this world and it’s illusions we are able to recreate in our creativity through words, paintings and pictures. Konteya ‘ s pictures of the world have really inspired me… as he is a traveller who seeks higher truth through his lens.

This picture is a nostalgic reminder of the roots we belong to no matter where to travel. Calcutta is home and this poem is a dedication to it. That’s why it’s beautiful and the poetry came in an instant. One pic of Konteya that has really made me stand and look at it was of sea waves crashing in a creek… I am still finding the exact words to capture it in my poems.

Inspiration and creativity has one language… It transcends through us and flows into the universe… so like my poem inspired you Lopa to share it to your creative world and Konteya’s photography inspired me. I am sure someone else too will get inspired… Let creativity recreate the lost harmony of this world through divine vision. Thank you Lopa and Konteya for you love and support.

About photographer Kounteya Sinha

Kounteya Sinha

Kounteya Sinha

Award winning journalist Kounteya Sinha is presently the UK correspondent of The Times of India – the world’s largest English newspaper. Kounteya is one of India’s youngest and most prolific foreign correspondents. In just seven years with The Times Group, Kounteya has to his credit over 7000 articles – from foreign policy, defence, espionage to arts, culture and travel with over 10 millon hits online.

He has interviewed presidents, prime ministers, Nobel laureates, tech giants like Bill Gates, whistleblowers like Julian Assange and the who’s who of the world on multiple occasions . He was the first Indian journalist to be invited by the Nobel Prize Committee to cover the awards three years in a row in Stockholm. He is also the first Indian journalist to cover the recent Russian war in Ukraine and several other important conflicts around the world .. His stories are regularly used by the government to frame policies.

He has worked in London for the past three years before which he was posted as senior assistant editor in the political and national news bureau in Delhi. He has won at least a dozen awards for his work.

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To Chiyo – By Joanna Sarah Koshy

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The Screen – By Daipayan Nair

Unearthing Life – By Anand Sehgal

Reminiscences – By Mallika Bhaumik

Talk of Shades – By Ananya Chatterjee

Musings in New Year 2016 Literature Special

I Want You to Have a Good Time – By Santosh Bakaya

Short Stories in New Year 2016 Literature Special

Noelle – By Ronald Tuhin D’Rozario

The Price of the Fumes: A Short Story – By Fatima Afshan

Sufia Khatoon is a social activist managing Our World Our Initiative, a social and philanthropic initiative to help underprivileged focusing on helping old people, children and orphans who are forced to beg or earn on the Streets. As an Art curator of Art Fair and artists she has exhibited her works in eminent galleries in Kolkata like Mirage Art Gallery, Birla Art gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Chemould Art Gallery,  ICCR, Shrimati Art Gallery with more than 20 groups shows in 2 years. She has been featured *India Positive, CNN IBN*, Femina, Telegraph, Times of India, Taaza Tv various online portals, magazines and websites for her social and artworks... She is a young passionate enthusiast who loves to live her life. Writing for her is survival...without which she would lose her vision. Her poetry has been selected for various national and international anthologies namely Magnitude by IIA, Umbilical Cord by Rejected stuff, Milange by Poets corner, Kaafiyana of Delhi Poetry festival, Create2inspire initiated anthology The Dawn Beyond Waste, Avadh Literary Festival anthology 'Lifenaama', Red Balloon Anthology, Hall of Poets, Colours of Refugess, and many more. Her short stories has been published in various anthologies life 25 Strokes of Teen Life by Grapevine,  Seasons of Love, Myraid Tales and Life Sundae, Wordweavers, etc. She is the co-founder  of Rhythm Divine, a poets' group in Kolkata which focuses on promoting poetry, organizing creative writing workshops and featuring poets live on radio. It's about poetry reaching out to people and poets evolving. She is currently working on her poetry book.
All Posts of Sufia Khatoon

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
~ Aristotle <!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~ Aristotle