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NS Rajan is a retired senior IRS Officer. He is an avid reader and a sports lover, particularly cricket, having watched many greats in action from the late 1940s (he has played cricket at a fairly competitive level). He loves listening to music of all genres, is fascinated by Hindi film music of the ‘golden era’ and has written many essays on composers, lyricists and singers.
Rajan loves to sing and spends some of his time singing on his karaoke system. He likes to write and has contributed articles, short stories and letters to newspapers and magazines, some of which have been published in Silhouette Magazine and LnC.
Rajan is very fond of travelling and learning about new and fascinating places and is a keen observer of all that he sees, hears and observes during his travels. Travel and photography usually always go together and Rajan has been interested in photography from his teens, weaned on a German Zeiss Ikon. His abiding love for travel and photography inspired him to write an illustrated book on his trip to the USA, Go West Odyssey: How I Saw America in 19 Days, including in it a number of pictures taken by him during the trip. He works actively to keep himself engaged in some mental pursuit or the other and to keep himself mentally and physically fit at the ripe old age of 89.
On World Bicycle Day 2024, LnC presents a delightful memoir by NS Rajan about his days with the bicycle — from his youth days to being a septuagenarian on two wheels. With pictures by the author. ...
Kerala is a small state in South India but immensely rich in natural splendour, architecture, culture and crafts. NS Rajan writes about Padmanabhapuram, the small territory belonging to Kerala, which lies...
"Karavali" in Kannada, means 'Sea Coast'. True to its name this stretch of land along the southwestern coast of India is dotted with golden beaches, ancient temples and picturesque landscapes. Rajan...
Siphoning of funds and money laundering are common in the dark, murky world of financial irregularities. However, once in a while, a silent whistleblower rises who blows the cover off the fraud, risking his/her own career and...
Rajan NS loved visiting San Francisco and when he parted from it, he wistfully sang to himself: “I left my heart in San Francisco”. Take a trip through one of the world's most beautiful cities and its charming sights with Rajan....
Having seen Bangalore from a ring side seat for over 65 years, Rajan NS often feels wistful and nostalgic about his city. Take a trip down memory lane with him....
We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open