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My Unicorn is a Dove: Foreword by Dr. Santosh Bakaya

August 26, 2020 | By

‘My Unicorn is a Dove’ is the debut collection of poems, stories and drawings of Sharanya Banerjee who lives in Texas, USA with her family. Sharanya is almost 10 years old and is in fifth grade now. She won Honorable Mention at the Kappa Theta Writing Project of Lewisville ISD, Texas for her short story entry titled ‘An Adventure to Giggly Land’, which is part of this book. Author, poet and academician Santosh Bakaya writes a foreword for the book which has been released in Amazon India and Amazon Worldwide very recently.


A necklace of poems, drawings and stories

  • File Size : 2018 KB
  • Word Wise : Enabled
  • Print Length : 58 pages
  • Published on : 19 August 2020
  • Available on Kindle: IndiaUSAUKDEAUCA and more.



What a delectable book, My unicorn is a Dove is! Within its pages the reader will find poems on the rainbow, mystic creatures, different seasons, thunderstorms, acrostics and also haikus. The acrostic on Mother made me feel fuzzy all over. There is also a heart- warming poem dedicated to her violin teacher, poems about Christmas, Mother Nature and the solar system.
The very first poem in this intriguing collection is a funny poem and the following line in this poem, left me with a never-ending smile.

“When I come downstairs,
I am greeted with my sister’s lies
This line opened the sluice gates of my memory, and chunk after chunk of childhood sibling rivalry hit me with the force of snowballs. Yes, she also writes about the snow.

Yes, there is also a bouquet of stories in this collection, drenching the reader in an undying fragrance.  Poems and also intriguing stories about a secret key, a giggly donkey and a rabbit and a giant made me exclaim, “Double whoa!” like that character in one of her stories.

Sharanya Banerjee

“Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” Pablo Picasso had said, but, I am sure that this girl, when she grows up is going to stay an artist, who will continue to serenade the world equally with the strokes of her pen  and brush,  enthralling readers for years to come, for she wields a magic pen, which, like her imaginary unicorn is very special and unique. Naturally beautiful in every way.

Sharanya has unleashed her inner genius at a very young age. It is now our turn to applaud this young, special, unique and beautiful artist. Hope she writes on and on and creates a snug niche for herself in the literary sceneso that one day, I can proudly say, “Oh Sharanya! That award-winning writer! I knew her since the time she was this high, and with a modest smile, precariously near pride, add, “Well…you see, I was lucky enough to have written the foreword to her first book.” 

I know that moment is not very far.

 Dr. Santosh Bakaya

Renowned academic- poet- novelist- biographer – essayist -Ted Speaker- creative writing mentor



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