Ramendra Kumar dedicates a love poem to his beloved wife Madhavi Kumar to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
My beloved of 3 plus decades
My mate through thick and thin,
A confidant, my buddy forever
She is my smiling assassin.
When she unleashes a smile
I still go so weak in the knees,
One melting look from her
Makes me think of the birds & the bees.
My only grouse is that
She thinks for ardour it’s too late,
How do I convince her
That we are on a forever date.
Her ‘normal’ voice is,
just as sweet as honey
But when she loses a cool,
She can with a yell ‘fell’ me.
When she sings a filmy song,
I groove with joy and fun
But when she indulges in a thumri
For cover she makes me run!
The left side of her brain
Always works overtime,
She handles major ‘ministries’
With a skill that is sublime.
She treats me as someone
Whose mind is quite addled,
Whose heart is in its place
But whose head is too muddled.
She has been my anchor
In every turbulent sea,
When the dark gets darkest
She is all that I see.
As we walk slowly towards,
The twilight of our life
I thank the heavens above,
For making her my wife.
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