Over the years, the education system has been in a process of transformation. But never before in history had there been such a massive shift from traditional classroom to virtual digital classroom Learning. In Rajamundhry, Laurel High Global School pioneered a Virtual Summer Camp “Laurel Summer Enclave – 2020” for students to write and paint their impressions of Life In and After Lockdown due to Covid-19.
My life during lock-down &
Life I want after lock-down
“This basically shows a normal day as you can see the Sun and Moon. Our normal days went like the Moon – dark and deep due to polluted environment, travelling and killing more animals just for our use, but now we realise ourselves that we are in such days where we can see the Moon and Sun so bright that we don’t even get a chance to complain about polluted environment. So last but not the least I would conclude saying that even after this COVID-19 and Lock-down, please do maintain the same environment. So that in future, we don’t get such types of viruses and we can live happily.”
Sanskruti. S. S, Grade – X
My life during lock-down
“I always surrounded my life around the gadgets but during lock-down I feel I am stuck with them.”
Life I want after lock-down
“I want to come out of the house and feel the fresh air and green with my family – travelling and playing around.”
Harsha, Grade – IX
My life during lock-down
“I am happy that every life of the planet is living without any fear of humans at the same time I am realising how it is to live with fear of being invaded.”
Life I want after lock-down
“During lockdown Nature is healing itself and when I go out I want enjoy her beauty and also be part of her healing and sustainability.”
Diya. B, Grade – X
My life during lock-down &
Life I want after lock-down
“My life was full of fun, playgrounds and live classrooms before lockdown and now I attend the online classrooms. But I am glad even during these hard times I have a opportunity to enjoy learning art through virtual classes.”
Anubhav. G, Grade – IX
Life I want after lock-down
“After Lock-down I am going out and want to enjoy the beauty of the nature with my family.”
Phani, Grade – VIII
My life during lock-down
“It was a cage and for me. It was like being in cage, working on my laptop and other devices. Children have online classes and some homework from home.”
Life I want after lock-down
“I want to go outdoor with my mom and enjoy.”
Hemadri. Ch, Grade – IX
My life during lock-down
My life during lock-down
‘Tsunami, Earthquakes, Cyclones, Bomb blasts, Aliens, Ghosts, Any deadly things… We only feel safe at home.’
Lasya. B, Grade – VII
“My home is not less than an adventure. For me the home is my mom and grandma. While my mom runs behind me for day to day life and prepares me for future, on other hand my grandma soothes me with all stories and imaginations during bedtime with goodnight sleep.”
Diya. B, Grade – X
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