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Juvenile Crime

May 21, 2015 | By

A poet’s wistful appeal to retain the beauty of his childhood dreams, that he admits as his juvenile crime. A dreamy, romantic, emotional confession.

window bars

I find myself,
caged behind
the iron window bars

To frame the beauty
of dark nights,
and vistas of an open window

stroke gently
the child of my cheerful dreams

Such, juvenile crime
I always do;
I find myself,
caged behind
the iron window bars,
occasionally to be laughed at, by
a raven, that
slide a shadow pass
outside my pillow view
flapping wings of bat
ever silent ever fearful

To accuse myself
for any crime;
Let that be a boon,
to shovel beauty of my dreams:
My juvenile crime!

Read more poems in our Poems Section and Poetry Month Special Edition

Tapeshwar Prasad Yadav is a Graphic Designer currently working as an Asst. Librarian at St. Xavier’s College, Digha (Patna). Married to a beautiful woman with two loving daughters and a son, presently based at Patna. His schooling was from K.V.S. Jorhat (Assam), Sarsawa (U.P), Halwara (Punjab) respectively and graduation from Punjab University (Chandigarh). Painting, sketching, reading and music are some of his part time hobbies. Awarded Bihar Wibhuti Samman for his social work. He is the author of three books, Ansul Amef  [Meaning: Atma Prakash in hindi], released in the year 2002, Soul, released in 2013 by the Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon and Divine Trumpet released in 2014 by Shambhawi, Kolkata. Besides, his poetry has been featured in numerous international anthologies, journals and e-zines including Camel Saloon, Scaling Heights (an Anthology on Contemporary Indian English Poetry), inklinks, The Aquillrelle Wall of Poetry, Anthesis and Episteme: an online interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and multi-cultural journal. He has been included twice as ICOP: Roll of Honour as Faith centered poet of the year 2013 and 2014 as Highly Commended by Sir Louis Kasatkin, U.K.
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