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Jungle Book: Don’t Miss This If You Love Adventure

June 3, 2014 | By

It is an absolute joy and pleasure to read Jungle Book and I would recommend it to all those who love adventure and have the spirit for it.

Pic by Tanusri Gururaj

Illustration of The Jungle Book by Tanusri Gururaj

Jungle Book gives us all the information about the jungle, the animals and most importantly the laws of the jungle.

The story revolves around a “man-cub” named Mowgli, who lives with his dear friend Baloo (the bear) in the jungle. Baloo has raised him and taken care of him ever since he was a child.

But Mowgli had an enemy Sher Khan, the tiger. Sher Khan then forces Mowgli to leave the Council Rock.

The story then goes into the details of the quest that Mowgli undertakes to get his place back in the Council Rock. How he is kidnapped by Bandar Log and how he is saved by Baloo and Bagheera (the black panther) and Kal (the snake) makes up the rest of the story.

It is an absolute joy and pleasure to read this book and I would recommend it to all those who love adventure and have the spirit for it.

Jungle Book DVD is available on Amazon

The Jungle Book Diamond Edition (DVD)

Jungle Book is available on Amazon

The Jungle Book (Ladybird Classics)

The Jungle Books

The Jungle Books

Tanusri is a class VII student of DPS Noida. She has won prizes in painting competitions, Sloka recitation and music competitions and has represented her school on Sahara TV. In sports, she loves to play badminton and basketball.
All Posts of Tanusri Gururaj

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
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“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” ― Yannick Heywang