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In My Skin, I Find Freedom: Sensitive, Hard-hitting, Simple

September 7, 2018 | By

With a minimum of words, Gauri Dixit manages to convey the maximum of meaning. Sensitive, hard-hitting and definitely not high brow, the simplicity of her verse is stunning in its impact – A review by Santosh Bakaya

Author: Gauri Dixit
Publisher: Rubric Publishing (8 January 2018)
Pages: 92
Available on: Amazon

This debut poetry book by Gauri Dixit is indeed a welcome addition to the world of Indian writing in English.

It is indeed amazing how she can make just a handful of words mean so many things; packing multiple meanings in them , complete with satirical punches and witty whacks. The poems have such an impact on one, that one finds oneself heading towards them again and again. Her words mean just what she chooses them to mean – ‘neither more nor less’.

She has an eye, which perceives keenly, a heart which feels strongly and a pen which writes convincingly – words which flow from her pen are natural, homespun and accessible to the general public, without making them scurry to their dictionaries.

Of late, I have come across a lot of poets resorting to meaningless verbiage, and the reader finds oneself privy to the groans emanating from the cumbersome, and creaky burden.
Not Gauri.

She indulges in a lot of loud thinking and self- introspection, almost making us hear the ticking of her mind. The verse that pours forth from her versatile mind is majestic in its simplicity, to- the- point and refreshingly straightforward. There is a certain effortlessness in her poetry which is at once appealing and heart- warming.

‘Thousand Mothers’, I found so simple in form and so epic in its message! No sermonising, no frothing- at- the- mouth moralizing.

‘I bet,
your womb was a better place to live
Take me back, mom
And you too go back to yours
Let us both be the dots
in the wombs of a thousand mothers….’ (p 3)

The book has poems on many themes; a tender poem on ‘my baba’ left me with a tingling sensation in my eyes.
‘your voice
cheering me on to take on the skies……’ (p 71)

In another poignant poem ‘ Mother’s Day’, the intensity of the mother – daughter love is symbolized by a blank …

“I am blank, mom,
the blank that is filled by you” (p 72)

A small poem completely resonated with me,
‘the gypsy in me
feeling a little tipsy
drunk on Life. ’ (p 5)

In one of her untitled poems, she writes,

‘My words may be few
But feelings are in abundance.’

These words also aptly sum up her poetry; with a minimum of words, she manages to convey the maximum of meaning. Sensitive, hard-hitting and definitely not high brow, the simplicity of her verse is stunning in its impact.

Yes, she is also an excellent photographer, and the book is enriched by some of her bewitching shots. Rubric Publishing has done a commendable job and the cover pic is indeed praiseworthy. Kudos to Gauri Dixit for her debut poetry book. All lovers of good poetry, do grab the book and be mesmerized by the minimalist magic of her poems.

Dr Santosh Bakaya is the author of three mystery novels for young adults, and a book of essays titled Flights From My Terrace, which was recently published as an e-book on Smashwords. Her poetic biography of Mahatma Gandhi, Ballad Of Bapu has been published by Vitasta Publishers, Delhi, India in May 2015 and has been receiving rave reviews from everywhere. Although a Political theorist, with a doctorate in political theory, it is literature which has been her first love. She was awarded the Reuel international award for language and literature 2014 for her long poem Oh Hark!, which forms part of the Significant Anthology. Many of her poems have figured in the highly commended category in Destiny Poets, a UK based website and many are part of international anthologies. Right now, she is giving the final touches to her satirical novel, tentatively titled Sanakpur Shenanigans.
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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
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