Life is just an illusion
Distinguish the unreal beauty
From the beautiful reality.
The lovely rainbow whose sight I lost
Gave way to an eclipse
Misguided by fate,
And seduced due to my innocence,
I ran into the traps
Of that enticing and seemingly unbelievable Fantasy land
Too beautiful for words but too ugly in reality
I inhaled the fragrant sinister air
Not soon enough, but not long after
Impervious to the chimera I was in
I gave my heart away
But the insatiable
Was even after my last bit of life
Frightened, I gave it all to run back
But I ran out of life
Hopes diminished, life lost,
But a lesson learnt
Life is just an illusion
Gotta distinguish the unreal beauty
From the beautiful reality.
“Life is just an illusion Distinguish the unreal beauty From the beautiful reality.” Illusion: A #Poem http://t.co/wCcN44czTC
— Learning&Creativity (@LearnNCreate) August 27, 2014
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Hope you are successful in doing all you want for the beautiful world..