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I Like Sunsets…

December 31, 2013

A friend asked me once why I liked sunsets especially when they herald darkness. He hated them.

By Sandhya Suri

I have a weakness for sunset…almost akin to that I have for good books, music, food and wine. A friend asked me once why I liked sunsets especially when they herald darkness. He hated them. He preferred sunrises because it made him want to do so much.

sunset at  Porto, Portugal

A melancholic sunset at Porto, Portugal

I remember saying sunsets give the promise of another day while sunrises no matter how beautiful turn into bright sunlight and blind one’s perception. A sunset gives me time to think over all things as it tumbles from twilight into night. Then there is more time to mull over the beauty of it all and dream of it when I sleep.

Take the colors for instance, vibrant and full of magical hues, sporadic in essence and ever so delicately changing into a diverse shade. I find I like the crimson that sketches the clouds hazily, twirls of plum and outrageous ginger, bold yellow and dewy lime. Yes, even greens! So very like the puzzle our emotions are, fiery, intense, mellow and placid.

Character is there in the sky when I look up at the masterpiece of riots in color. When I am depressed, I find more of lilac, yellow with splashes of red emboss my blissful state of mind, peace creeps in as I mull over the transition from brilliant to shadowy, a feeling of well being and appreciation of another day gone by.

Then, there are the clouds too that fill the azure sky sometimes. I find horses, swans elephants… Faces are created out of my mind’s eye, yet again a manifestation of my feelings.

Sundown is even better with clouds. As if it is there to remind me that if I have had a dreadful day, it is only so to help me appreciate the good days. It is a kind of message I discover with clouds signifying the terrible and the very same clouds bringing out the exquisiteness of the heavens and goodness in my existence.

It invites the necessity to sit by the fireplace with a glass of fiery wine to sip and soft strains of music filtering into your soul as you dwell on yet another day and yet another gift of night to let everything go.

(This musing was first published in between 1998 – 2003)

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Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>The man of wisdom is never of two minds; he has got clarity of thoughts.
The man of benevolence never worries; he does not expect anything in return.
The man of courage is never afraid; he accepts challenges without fear.
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The man of wisdom is never of two minds; he has got clarity of thoughts. The man of benevolence never worries; he does not expect anything in return. The man of courage is never afraid; he accepts challenges without fear.