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Helsinki, Finland: The Land of the Midnight Sun

December 24, 2013 | By

L&C presents a tour of Helsinki, Finland: Land of the Midnight Sun. Historic landmarks, nature and islands, Helsinki has much to offer its visitors.

Check out L&C’s informative and entertaining virtual tour videos and travelogues.

Helsinki, Finland: Land of the Midnight Sun

Photographs by: Sayan Roy
A/V Mixing: Lipi Bhattacharya

The capital and the largest city of Finland, Helsinki offers plenty of things to do and experience for tourists.

The city center of Helsinki is dotted with historic landmarks right from the City Hall, Helsinki Cathedral, Market Square, Presidential Palace Helsinki and more.

Take a short walk from the Market Square and you get to view the majestic green-domed cathedral. Considered as the symbol of Helsinki, the Helsinki Cathedral is a beautiful Evangelic Lutheran church. With its tall, green dome, the Helsinki Cathedral dominates the city’s skyline.

Helsinki Lutheran Cathedral

Helsinki Lutheran Cathedral with the statue of Emperor Alexander II of Russia in the front.

Another cathedral to watch out for is the Uspenski Cathedral. Designed by the Russian architect Alexey Gornostaev, it is known as the largest Eastern Orthodox cathedral in Western Europe. The deep-red brick façade and golden cupolas add charm to its striking beauty.

A gem to watch out for in the market square is the “The Stone of the Empress.” This obelisk, the oldest public memorial in Helsinki, was erected to mark the first visit of Empress Alexandra’s, wife of Nicholas I to Helsinki.

When you are done with the sightseeing, head to the city’s open-air markets. They are fun place to shop and enjoy a good meal. Check out handicrafts, buy souvenirs, enjoy traditional food, and enjoy a hot coffee in an open-air café.

Want to see an abstract monument? Check out the Sibelius Monument which was created to pay honor to the renowned Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. The best part of this abstract monument is that it is placed in a park in green beautiful surroundings.
You can walk under the monument, view it from any angle. You may view it as an organ, a tree and whatever comes to your mind. It is a unique form of art.

Helsinki’s shoreline is dotted with more than 300 islands and offers various maritime activities. The Suomenlinna sea fortress is built on six islands and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Being extremely popular among locals and tourists, Suomenlinna is best explored on foot.

Helsinki has lots to offer to its visitors from historic landmarks, natural beauty and more!

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>The best gift bestowed upon one is Good Health; the best treasure one can acquire is Satisfaction; the best relationship one can cherish is faithfulness.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
The best gift bestowed upon one is Good Health; the best treasure one can acquire is Satisfaction; the best relationship one can cherish is faithfulness.