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Heart-Headed People

March 25, 2016 | By

Aiman Abdullah’s poetry on womanhood as part of the 6th Woman International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, in collaboration with Rhythm Divine, Kolkata.

Sufia_painting 3

Painting by Sufia Khatoon

She did follow a head
Feelings were not her own
And look at her
She is standing to lose
Her sanity
To an era of joy
Splurging fancies.

She did follow a reasoning
Not her own
And now she regrets
Why did she not mention
It to you? Oh, heart!
surely wouldn’t you
Have led the way?

She followed just once
Her dream and today
In throes of her passion
seeks solace
Her dreams dwell
With joy, hope, renegades
Abundant where she
Divulges the deluge.

None, now,
No more of gibberish.
Follow your heart
Not just people
For people pass
Like rain that dries
Love yourself
You are to live
Yet again
Not like the shadows she lived in,
Not once, ever again!

This poem is a creative collaboration between the poet Aiman Abdullah and the artist Sufia Khatoon as part of the 6th Woman Scream International Art and Poetry Festival 2016, the Kolkata chapter of which is being held on March 26.

Read more poems as part of the Art and Verses: Rhythm Divine Collaborates with Woman Scream 2016

Rhythm Divine and Learning and Creativity

Rhythm Divine Poets in association with Art Fair celebrates the strength of woman on the occasion of woman’s month in March by promoting art and poetry festival in the city of Kolkata. To raise voice against violence on woman is the mutual goal. These associations will lead to Rhythm Divine  coordinating Kolkata chapter of the global event called Woman Scream International Poetry and Art Festival on 26th March by Women Poets International
Movement (Mujeres Poetas Internacional MPI) from the Dominican Republic, and coordinated by Jael Uribe, MPI’s President.

The Kolkata chapter is  co-sponsored by Incredible Women of India, Manya Education Pvt Limited and The Princeton Review hosted by the Berlia family in Kolkata.

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SIBCO Overseas Pvt Ltd and Admakers

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Radio One 94.3FM

Online Web media partner
Incredible Woman of India and
Calcalling Print Partner News Beat

Online media and literary partner
Learning and Creativity

Being Bookworms

Partnered by
Hamari Sanskriti,
Ahava Communications


Aiman Abdullah, who is born in Kolkata, inculcates in her the passion for writing poetry. Enjoys reading and travelling. She is also a practicing lawyer at the High Court, Calcutta
All Posts of Aiman Abdullah

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