If you are in a hurry but want to have a good breakfast before stepping out for the day – fix this easy and healthy salad.
Salad… if made well can be tasty, healthy and simple! Nothing complicated, nothing that takes time to cook, nothing rich, nothing that makes you feel heavy. This salad is a quick fix with healthy ingredients and a simple process… so you get the best of both worlds!
So if you are in a hurry but want to have a good breakfast before stepping out for the day then this is a healthy salad to start with… the HEALTHY GREENS as I have named it.
Ingredients (Serving for two):
1. Cucumber – 1 (diced in 1 cm)
2. Cauliflower – 1 cup (small pieces)
3. Broccoli – 1 cup (small pieces)
4. Lettuce – 1 cup (chopped)
5. Sprouted chick pea, mung and horse gram – 1 cup
6. Onion – ½ medium (finely cut in rings)
7. Black pepper – 6 to 8 (freshly ground)
8. Salt – Add to taste
9. Chat masala – Add to taste (optional)
10. Lemon – 1 (or ½ depending on the size and as par your taste)
11. Olive oil – 1 tbsp
12. Honey – 1 tbsp (optional)
1. Blanch cauliflower and broccoli in salt water for a couple of minutes and keep aside on a strainer for draining excess water.
2. Take a mixing bowl and add all the salad ingredients.
3. Add olive oil and mix up and down.
4. Add salt, chat masala and ground pepper and mix well.
5. Squeeze a lemon and toss the salad mix.
6. Add honey if you like.
7. Your Healthy Greens is ready to serve.
Enjoy this salad with a crispy toasted brown bread and get ready for the day!
Check out great recipes in our Creativity in Kitchen section.
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