A beautiful Ganpati idol made by Vandana Subramanian from paper pulp. Preparation of the lagda (Marathi word for paper pulp), getting it into the die, drying, initial coat, final painting and packing have all been done by her.
We wish our readers a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.
The Ganpati idols are made out of paper pulp from the Ram Naam books written by Shraddhavans of Sadhguru Aniruddha Bapu, Mumbai, an eco-friendly initiative of the Sadhguru. There are several models available from 10 inches to 5 1/2 feet in height.
The different models are Manonmai, Varada Vinayak, Shubham and a host of other models.
The colour Gold, Silver, Copper used are oil based colours whilst other colours used in the making are water soluble colours. Needless to say, the Ganesh idols are light in weight. Taller Ganapathy idols are used by different Ganesh Utsav Mandals.
Visarjan of idols up-to maximum 2 feet in height can be done at home in a water drum. Three to four days after visarjan, the idol’s material becomes miscible with the water. This can be re-used for idol making or can be used in watering the plants at home.
Larger idols immersed in water bodies serve as food for fishes, as fishes eats paper. This eco-friendly Ganpati idol has been immensely popular for the last several years.
Ink Drawing of Ganesha by Raghav
Monica Talukdar’s Ganesha painting
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