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Gold Jewellery – The First Love of a Woman

March 1, 2019 | By

We explore the latest gold necklace models and gold bracelet designs which are in high demand and can go with any outfit on any occasion.

Designer Gold Bracelet

Jewellery always completes your look, be it gold, silver or diamond. But gold jewellery increases the value of the wearer and makes a woman look gorgeous. Nowadays apart from traditional jewellery, the new gold jewelleries in a wide variety of designs are in trend and are available in the market to cater to the rising demand.


There are a variety of necklace designs in gold trending now. Some of the gold necklace models are as follows-

* Italian Gold Necklace – These jewelleries are the modern trend. The Italian gold necklace has a multiple chain attached to it, made of yellow gold. It looks great when teamed with a lehenga or a long dress and looks adorable with a brooch in it.

* Gold Coin Long Necklace – It is a heritage jewellery also known as Kaasumala where kaasu means coin and mala means necklace. The design includes small gold coins with an image of Goddess Laxmi. This gold coin long necklace goes best with a traditional outfit, during festivals and in dance performances. It also goes perfectly with bridal wear.

* Tassel Meenakari Gold Necklace – It is an intricate design which is a specialty in the state of Rajasthan. This special meenakari work uses bright colours in the metal surface. Tassel Meenakari Gold Necklace looks fancy and beautiful and goes amazingly well with sarees and ethnic wear for small get togethers or evening functions.


Gold bracelets are always in trend. A gold bracelet makes every outfit look glamorous when it is worn around the wrist. It is an essential ornament for both women and girls of all ages. It makes your arm look elegant and classy.

Here are some of the latest gold bracelet designs which are in high demand nowadays:

* Infinity Gold Bracelets  – Infinity gold bracelets looks cool and chic and it should be a part of every women’s jewellery collection. It is goes well with both formal and traditional occasions. The two-fold stranded chain makes your arm look stunningly beautiful.

* Gold Cuff Bracelets – Cuff bracelets are mostly for girls who have a cool and tomboyish personality. They can wear it with shorts and a crop top. It looks similar to the handcuff and so it is named as cuff bracelet. These gold cuff bracelets helps to flaunt the cool personality and makes it trendy and classy.

* Anchor Style Gold Bracelet – The anchor style gold bracelet is a fashionable accessory with a unique design. Hanging in the shape of a wheel, it can have engraved diamonds in it. It will make you look stylish with its awesome combination.

* Classic Gold Bracelet with Heart Shape – These bracelets are suited for both women and girls. It is an ideal gold bracelet for all types of occasions and enhances your look with its unique design. It is also perfect for office wear.

Check out these latest gold necklace models and gold bracelet designs which are in high demand and can go with any outfit on any occasion.

Melorra designs jewellery for the Western wardrobe. We have fashion stylists and jewellery designers working together to create fashion-inspired designs. At Melorra, our global trend-spotters spot the styles that'll make the cut for today's fashion scene across global runways like Paris and Milan. Then, our international design team interprets these trends to create jewellery. Melorra is available on iOS and Android, and on a mobile responsive site.
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One thought on “Gold Jewellery – The First Love of a Woman

  • Priya Sharma

    You have selected a very unique title for your post. I agree that gold jewellery is a woman’s, first love. You have also explained in detail which jewellery will go with which clothes and what kind of personality will the jewellery portray. I have heard about matching jewellery with clothes but this is the first time I am hearing about matching jewellery with your personality. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with us.

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