I would like to thank Dr. Ampat Koshi for his introducing this poetic form and due to his inspiration, this poem took birth. Of course, the Acrostic throughout the poem is my effort, that was not required for the Roseate sonnet except for the word Rose in the last quatrain. ~ note from Sunila Kamal Khemchandani
G reeting the golden hues of a young dawn
O n sun smeared dew drops on petals in lawn
D iscs of innocence they lovingly stare
‘S oon to disappear ethereal their share
L ove blooms tender when nature its song sings
O ver the hills when eagles spread their wings
V ineyards hanging over shimmering streams
E nchant all creatures to bask in greens
I mmense is the joy when a child is born
S ounds of birds singing songs in fragrant morn
R ows of roses pink, in sync with red, white
O rchids lined with faces long and eyes wide
S oft fragrance of Jasmine draws butterflies
E ternal love of nature abides.
Read about Roseate Sonnet: Roseate Sonnet: An Experience in Learning the Art of Poetry
Pic courtesy: Antara
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