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Friends Forever – The Serialized Novel

December 3, 2019 | By

LnC is proud to present celebrated children’s writer Ramendra Kumar’s latest novel Friends Forever as an exclusive series, every Wednesday and Friday, illustrated with beautiful life-like art by renowned artist Avijit Sarkar.

Friends Forever by Ramendra Kumar

Friends Forever is a serialized novel by Ramendra Kumar, exclusively on LnC

Most of our deep friendships are formed during our school days. Friendships that last a lifetime in many cases. Friends who accept you, warts and all. These are the people that shape you in your formative years, hold you when you feel like you’re at a breaking point and help you in putting yourself back together, piece by piece when you do break.

Friends Forever is about just such a friendship. It brings to life the typical ambience in a school – the jealousies, the fights, the one-upmanship, the tensions, the fun, the joy and above all the loyalties, the faith and the synergy of young minds and hearts.

The novel is not an over the top fantasy or a contrived adventure – it is a slice of school life in the here and now.

LnC is proud to present celebrated children’s writer Ramendra Kumar’s latest novel Friends Forever as an exclusive series, every Wednesday and Friday, illustrated with beautiful life-like art by renowned artist Avijit Sarkar.

Starting Wednesday, December 4, 2019.
We are super-excited! It’s all set to be your most awaited read twice a week.
Don’t miss this one! 🙂

Click here to read all episodes of Friends Forever

Editor in Chief, Learning and Creativity; Consulting Editor, Silhouette Magazine. A former business journalist, Antara writes extensively on the changing trends of music, direction and filmmaking in cinema. Her articles aim to provide well-researched information on the legends of cinema for the movie and music enthusiast. She is also the Founder-Editor of Blue Pencil, a New Delhi-based publishing house. She edited and published Incomparable Sachin Dev Burman, the biography of SD Burman written by HQ Chowdhury. She has co-authored a chapter on Hemant Kumar's Bengali music in the acclaimed book The Unforgettable Music of Hemant Kumar, written by Manek Premchand. Her articles have also been published in and Antara is Editor-Creative Director of Wisitech InfoSolutions Pvt. Ltd.
All Posts of Antara Nanda Mondal

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"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." ~ Albert Einstein