A wistful poem celebrating the all-encompassing beauty of friendship and togetherness amid the peaceful and tranquil beauty of nature.
Come with me, friend hold my hand,
Let me lead you to an unknown land,
Where the rainbow on the azure screen
Kisses the rolling pastures green.
There the uncanny yet sweet fragrances,
Of floral puffs, caressed by fluttering dances,
Will greet you to silent melodies
And pampering by the gentle breeze.
Pristine clouds wander the turquoise veld,
Changing shapes on their own.
Over your head there is a unicorn
And in no moments yonder it’s gone.
Can you hear the cackle of water over the mossy pebbles?
Chattering of princes and demons from unheard of fables.
Traversing the greens, meanders the slender rivulet,
Bubbling in joy dancing to jingles inherent.
You may spot a shining trout leaping out of water,
In moments splashing back seeing you saunter.
You can see them all but all in vain,
These are creatures of delight behind the myth’s curtain.
In there, there’s a grove by this dainty brook,
That I wade through to amble round to my shady nook.
If you can cross over too and be my guest,
In promises of cosy times and a loving nest.
(Picture coutesy: Udayaditya Mukherjee)
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