Better Parenting for the Children of Tomorrow: Secrets to Ace the Pandemic Times showcases the imperatives of parenting not just in the ‘Here & Now’ but way beyond.
Over the last decade or so, the onslaught of change has created a new society, a new culture and a new value system.
The joint family has long since morphed into single and double income nuclear families. The responsibility of bringing up the child now rests squarely on the parents with little support available from paid help or family. With one, and increasingly more often, both parents busy in search of the 9 to 5 (or is it 9 to 9!) Utopia, the situation is becoming a ‘pressure-cooker’ one.
We, as parents seem to be combating chaos and engaging with entropy 24 X 7. There are two reasons – the first is the ogre of competition, which is growing in geometric progression.
The second is our abject capitulation to the goliath of technology. While the distance between continents has been reduced to nano seconds, the chasm between hearts will soon be measured in light years.
In such a mind & soul scorching scenario, an average parent is looking desperately for succour, solace & some pragmatic gyan!
I have written widely on parenting and have also conducted workshops across the country. I have covered quite a few themes and obviously left some untouched. However, for a holistic look if there was one book, I would recommend it would be: ‘Better Parenting for the children of Tomorrow – Secrets to Ace the Pandemic Times’!
Written by 9 writers who have themselves proved adept in the art and science of parenting, it is a hands-on take on the oldest and the most enriching ‘vocation’ in the world!
Anger management, effective communication, empathy, time enjoyment, challenge of digitisation, raising a single child, teaching responsibility, the difference between needs & wants and finally the art of chilling – the authors present their unique take in their signature style.
Though the tagline of the book reads – ‘Acing the Pandemic Times’, I would like to differ. I feel the book showcases the imperatives of parenting not just in the ‘Here & Now’ but way beyond.
The authors have been brought together by an intrepid publisher and the narratives seamlessly ‘blue – pencilled’ by a ‘zen’sible editor!
So, guys ‘kindle’ your knowledge for a smarter, happier parenting experience!
Publisher : Readomania (26 August 2020)
Print Length : 86 pages
Word Wise : Enabled
File Size : 3688 KB
Authors: Various
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