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My Experience Of A Train Journey

May 15, 2014 | By

A child’s experience of a long, tiring 29 hours train journey, which helped him see the scenic beauty of rural India.

It was 28th April, 2014 and I was very excited because I was going to my native place, Kolkata with my mother and this time by train!

Our train was scheduled to depart by 11:15 a.m. but was delayed by 1 hour. As soon as the train came into the platform, the passengers rushed to get into the train. There was a little commotion as passengers searched for their seats. With a lot of difficulty we could find our seats and placed our luggage.


I was flabbergasted to see the scenic beauty of rural India.
(Pic: Karunakar Rayker, Wikimedia, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0)

By the time the train started for Kolkata we had settled down comfortably and I was busy observing the children who were near about my age.

After we settled down, we started chit-chatting with co-passengers. I discovered most of them were going to their home town to spend summer vacations. Some of them were going to hill station, Darjeeling for their holiday trip.

Since the train was passing through the country side of different states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, I was flabbergasted to see the scenic beauty of rural India.

In Karnataka, we saw many paddy fields where farmers were harvesting crops. Cows were grazing at the field. The huts were made up of bamboo stems and mud.

Andhra landscape was dotted with hills. In Orissa, we passed over rivers and streams. I was happy to see the longest platform of the Asia, Kharagpur.

The train was about to reach Howrah station and I was very eager to meet my grandparents. My grandfather was waiting at the platform to receive us. Though it was a long, tiring 29 hours train journey, but it was really a memorable experience for me.

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Rounak studies in Delhi Public School, Bangalore. His hobby is to curl up with a good book and collect coins.
All Posts of Rounak

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5 thoughts on “My Experience Of A Train Journey

  • ASHA

    It was very nice it was nicely written by yourself that what your mind though it very very good and you write all the line so so nicely keep it up you will become a huge person

    1. Learning and Creativity Magazine

      Thank you Maria,

      Glad to know this lovely essay by Rounak helped you!

      Wish you all the best for your speech. Do well 🙂

      Best wishes,
      Editor, Learning and Creativity

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