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The L&C-Silhouette Basket
A hand-picked basket of cherries from the world of most talked about books and popular posts on creative literature, reviews and interviews, movies and music, critiques and retrospectives ...
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Elvira Fernandez is a Rajasthan-based author who loves to write for children and young adults. She has written short stories, plays, poems and also content for academic books, apart from editing assignments. Working as an English Lecturer, she shares a close connect with children. She is extremely fond of animals, especially her fur babies - a dog and a cat. Currently she’s all set to launch the third book of the Ferns and Blooms trilogy, the first of which was published in November 2018. This trilogy is the result of the joy of her childhood days that she lives and re-lives through her vibrant students. By intermingling realism and fantasy, she aims at enchanting children to read and inculcate a better way of living.
As the summer vacation draws to a close and children get ready to start school, albeit from home this time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, enjoy this throwback to summer vacations in the 80s and 90s childhood....
Two children, Charu and Raghu, dodge a dozing dad to skip out of the house on bright sunny afternoon and explore the world of animals all by themselves. ...
The rain has a tremendous ability to bring back a flood of memories, be it a drizzle or a downpour. Elvira Fernandez loves being transported back to her childhood watching the rain fall pit-a-pat....