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Effective Parenting Print Edition Launched

April 15, 2015

Ramendra Kumar is a national award winning author with 25 books to his name. The book is straight from the writer’s heart, it has hands-on approach to parenting and the potential to morph a good parent into the best parent.

Effective Parenting : A New Paradigm , Ramendra Kumar’s latest book  and the first print publication of  Learning and Creativity, a popular e zine, was  formally launched at Rourkela on 22nd February. The occasion was the  24th Annual District Conference  of Lions Club International.

Ramen was the Key Note Speaker on the occasion. In  his address laced with anecdotes, and case studies and peppered with humour  presented his take on parenting in its  various hues. He touched upon issues like trust and togetherness, masti and memories,  women’s empowerment, the  connect with the GenEx and PQ or the Passion Quotient.

Speaking about the book Ramen said, “I am not a counsellor , a paediatrician or an academic. I am simply a son who was brought up by the most awesome dad, a parent who is struggling to match this legacy and a writer whose comfort zone begins and ends with   the young and the young at heart.  This book is simply my  view, based on my experiences, garnished with a bit of creativity and (hopefully) chunks of humour.  The book is peppered with stories, poems and anecdotes which a parent and her child can share.”

Ramendra Kumar

Ramen speaking about the book.

It is noteworthy that  Effective Parenting: A New Paradigm comprises Five Pillars of Sharing, Caring, Fun and Joy, Healthy Living and Invaluable Values.  The book is based on ideas culled from  the  author’s  own experiences as a child from a broken home, his observations as a writer for children and his  own struggles as a parent.

The Paradigm is by no means a profound model on the art and science of successful parenting, nor a quick fix  presenting an immediate and lasting solution.  It is a framework offering only gentle suggestions, hints and thoughts which would hopefully serve   as unobtrusive guides as one  journeys across the tough terrain of Parenting. The writer’s straight from the heart, hands-on approach to Parenting has the potential to morph a good parent into the best parent.

An added feature in the book which makes it a great read is a basket of poems, stories and anecdotes.

Ramendra Kumar

Ramendra Kumar is a national award winning author

Ramendra Kumar (Ramen) is a national award winning author with 25 books to his name. He spins yarns mainly for the young and the young at heart. He also dabbles in satire, poetry, fiction and travelogues. Ramen’s work has been published in several Indian and foreign languages and six of his books have been recommended as supplementary readers by CBSE, India. His stories have found a place in text books and anthologies published across the world, including the popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

Being an inspirational speaker and storyteller, he is a regular at leading seminars and literary festivals.

He is the father of two children – Ankita and Aniket who are bonsai celebrities in their own right!  Ankita topped the state of Odisha in her class twelve exam while Aniket won a scholarship to Oxford-Brookes University for his project on wildlife conservation.

Ramen has his own website and a page devoted to him on Wikipedia.  He is working as Chief of Communications, Rourkela Steel Plant, Odisha.

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
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“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” ― Yannick Heywang