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Chhoto Aloor Shukno Dum: Baby Potatoes Dum Aloo The Bengali Way

October 21, 2014 | By

Creative recipes for dum aloo, the eternal favourite which you can cook up anytime. Try it the Bengali way with baby potatoes this Diwali.

Chhoto Aloor Shukno Dum

Chhoto Aloor Shukno Dum

When you are looking to cook up something quick and hassle free, go for the ever trustworthy baby potatoes. They look great when served hot and taste heavenly.


1. Baby potatoes (boiled and skinned) – 500 g.
2. Two onions – finely chopped into small pieces.
3. Garam masala (Cinnamon, green cardamom and cloves) – dry roasted and ground – 1 tsp.
4. Coriander powder – 1 tsp.
5. Turmeric powder – 1/2 tsp.
6. Green chilies – 2 longitudinally slit.
7. Fresh coriander leaves (chopped) – a handful.
8. Sesame oil – 1.5 tbsp.
9. Salt – to taste.
10. Sugar – to taste.
11. Hot water – a little, if required.

fun recipes

Enjoy, learn and cook fun recipes with Debasish ‘Shibaji’


Heat sesame oil in a non-stick wok.
Stir-fry chopped onions for a while.
Add baby potatoes and stir.
Add turmeric powder, coriander powder, green chilies.
Add salt, stir and reduce flame.
Cover with lid and keep cooking till the dum dries up.
While cooking, if required, you may add a little water so that the masala does not burn.
Add garam masala, sugar and stir.
Take off from heat and add coriander leaves.

Enjoy as it is or with light parathas / chapatis.

Unleash your culinary creativity. Try out these creative recipes

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Check on weight gain with Lighter Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

Send us your creative recipes with a picture of your delicious creation to

A freelancer consulting Social Development Specialist, Debasish works in large-scale infrastructure development projects in India and abroad as well. An Anthropologist turned Regional Planner Debasish (Shibaji) is fond of several activities from writing travelogues to cooking, from sketching, painting, photography to dress designing, embroidering to choreographing. Whenever he feels, in the early mornings or dead of nights, he sits with doing something creative that is so close to his heart.
All Posts of Debasish Bhattacharya

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“They're only crayons. You didn't fear them in Kindergarten, why fear them now?” 
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“They're only crayons. You didn't fear them in Kindergarten, why fear them now?” ― Hugh MacLeod