After all the excitement of the highly successful Kindle Edition, The Blue Pencil launched the much awaited paperback edition of Ghost Stories collection
Edited by: Dr Santosh Bakaya and Lopa Banerjee
Publisher: The Blue Pencil; 1 edition (2017)
ISBN-10: 1635359503
ISBN-13: 978-1635359503
Buy Now Online:
Kindle India
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Sristisukh Store
Who has not been intrigued and enthralled by the spirit world, ghosts, other-worldly beings, or in other words, the paranormal? Ambiguous presences around us, whether in the form of orally narrated stories by our grandparents, or in the form of haunting, riveting supernatural stories in books and movies have held us in their spell, engaging, alluring us even to this date. In fact, the prominence of paranormal investigators, ghostbusters and others documenting the other-worldly in today’s age overpowered by science and technology only points to the fact that we crave to push our boundaries as rational beings and delve into the phenomena which we cannot define or explain tangibly.
This anthology of 30 selected ghost stories by authors dispersed all over the globe celebrates the spine-chilling thrills and sense of awe and bewilderment of this very inexplicable world inhabited by the other-worldly beings. Come, experience the cataclysmic, weird, and at times, benevolent spirit world and you will never have a dull moment in this roller-coaster ride!
The Authors in this Ghost Stories Collection are:
It all began with a thrilling ghost stories contest launched by Learning and Creativity, curated by Learning and Creativity Editorial Advisor Dr Santosh Bakaya that attracted an exciting bunch of ghost stories from across the globe.
Amazed at the response, we put our heads together and decided to put the selected ones in a book collection. Equally amazing was another bunch of ghost stories drawn in from an earlier contest, waiting to emerge from the darkness into light. So all these ghosts… er, stories crawled in together into this Anthology!
Learning and Creativity Deputy Editor Lopa Banerjee and Dr Santosh Bakaya decided to edit the stories to shape them into a cohesive Anthology and Learning and Creativity Editor Antara Nanda Mondal chipped in with a spooky cover design and proof-reading. Sristisukh Print took up the printing responsibilities. We were all just as energised as the ghosts in the book – designing, editing, proofing, checking, discussing, planning and dreaming…
After all, its all about chills, thrills and spooky spills, isn’t it!
Edited by: Dr Santosh Bakaya and Lopa Banerjee
Publisher: The Blue Pencil; 1 edition (2017)
ISBN-10: 1635359503
ISBN-13: 978-1635359503
Buy Now Online:
Kindle India
Kindle Worldwide
Sristisukh Store
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