These museums promotes family bonding by allowing parents and children to spend some quality time together when they play, enjoy and have fun.
Children’s museums are growing in popularity in US. According to a report published in The Washington Post, the American Alliance of Museums has witnessed a 135 percent growth in membership among children’s museums over the past two years. The science-technology centers have witnessed a 52-percent hike for the same period.
This growth spurt is seen as an outcome of increased focus on early learning and emphasis on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM education). The success of these museums as community anchors and engines of economic growth has also been a contributor to the cause.
The rapid rise in popularity is also triggered by parental demand for sophisticated play places that create a platform for shared experiences and boost the overall growth and development of a child.
These museums promotes family bonding by allowing parents and children to spend some quality time together when they play, enjoy and have fun.
Read the full report in The Washington Post.
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