Canon EOS 1100D SLR Review – great value for money and an easy way for users of compact cameras to push their photo skills further
Canon EOS 1100D SLR is a great product from the leaders of photographic equipment, Canon. Available at great prices at both and, this camera comes loaded with ample features and functions to meet the requirements of SLR beginners. gives 4 out of 5 stars to the camera. It recommends the camera to the SLR beginners saying, “If you’re considering getting into DSLR photography, the Canon EOS 1100D could be a good choice. It offers great value for money and an easy way for users of compact cameras to push their photo skills further. Despite its questionable build quality, it’s easy to recommend this DSLR to beginners or those on a budget.” concludes its review saying, “Despite its budget price-tag, the Canon EOS 1100D / Rebel T3 is a responsive and intuitive DSLR that offers many of the key features of its bigger and more expensive sibling, the 600D / T3i, in a smaller and lighter body.”
According to, “Indeed, with the 1100D this is pretty much what you get. As a direct replacement for the 1000D that was launched back in 2008, the 1100D enjoys several notable upgrades over its predecessor, while some of the features found on recent Canon models located higher up the range are unsurprisingly absent too.” says, “The rear view shows the 1100D has been updated in line with more recent Canon DSLRs, gaining direct access to live view/movie shooting and a Q button for the interactive ‘Quick Control’ displays.”
Flipkart User Reviews give an average rating of 4.5 out of 5. The average rating is based on 137 ratings posted on the website by its buyers and users, something that speaks in volumes about the product.
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