A tribute to Gautam Buddha and his Lotus Sutra, as my contribution for the poetry movement titled ‘100 Thousand Poets For Change’, a global poetry and art initiative.
[Gautama Buddha, the primary figure in Buddhism, the enlightened teacher, monk, sage, philosopher lived and taught mostly in the northeastern part of ancient India sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BC (Before Christ). The painting and poem have been inspired by the Lotus Sutra, his meditative teaching originally in Sanskrit, aiming to enable individuals with deep insight about life, wisdom and salvation.]
My Lotus love coagulates,
The Buddha in me waxes and wanes.
I breathe in the silk
and blue of seven births,
The water, pregnant sighs
of old, reincarnated flood,
The flood trails along tolerant soil.
The green of youth,
the unblemished flesh of the earth,
my ancestral musk.
My lotus love coagulates.
Buddha, the milk of love
The liquid ocean of soundless dreams
That I smear in my cracked earth.
My lotus love is the bleeding poetry of centuries
The unacknowledged fragrance and light as I slip
Through the cracks of an earth,
Erupting in edgy, volatile loathing
While I carry my own human stench,
Caressing a slow-poisoned tomorrow.
The Buddha in me is the sudden surge
Of quaint syllables and chanting learnt
In the fading twilight of a friend’s company.
My lotus love coagulates in the acrylic touches
Of a painter’s delight, and parables relived
Amid the dark daily venom. Bodhisattwa, Buddha,
The unfailing ritual of soul,
The ebbing, flowing continuum of hope.
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