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Done With Men – Light, Crispy & Hilarious

February 14, 2014 | By

Kairavi has everything. An enviable job, friends and parties! Except that she is jinxed in the matters of love!

Book Review

Title: Done With Men
Author: Shuchi Singh Kalra
Publisher: Indireads
Available as: ebook

The first thing that strikes me about this book is its catchy title – Done With Men. I started reading it with not much interest initially but I was hooked to it completely after reading a page.

Done With Men - Book Review

Done With Men is fun to read, crispy, witty and hilarious!

Done With Men revolves around Kairavi who tries to run away from her tumultuous love life. On the face of it, Kairavi has everything. She is young with an enviable job of a travel writer and a reliable friend to bank on! Except that she is jinxed in the matters of love!

She loves to party. She is fun-loving, clumsy and wears her heart on her sleeve. But she has had enough of boyfriends in her life (ranging from the wimps, the brawny to complete idiots).

Kairavi is done with men in her life. Sad over a failed relationship, Kairavi is on her way for a work assignment to Goa with her best friend, Baani.

Amid sipping margaritas, undiluted vodka, parties, and music in Goa, Kairavi’s life goes through many ups and downs right from landing in a hospital straight from a party, to an almost lesbian encounter and even falling for a handsome doctor.

Many twists and turns unfolds in her life during the course of a few weeks in Goa that are fit for a Bollywood potboiler.

Just when she is fed up of the men in her life and raises a toast to singledom, she meets the one guy who is a complete antithesis of the men she has dated before.

What I like is the way Kairavi’s character has been etched out. Despite non-steady miserable relationships, she doesn’t give up on her desire to find true love. She takes chances despite the fear that she may fall into the ‘heart-break’ trap again. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and cribbing, she chooses to lead her life the best way she can.

What sounded a little jarring is that the whole sequence of falling in love seemed too fast and in a rush.

Does Kairavi end up meeting the right man or may be she is just done with men? Can the picturesque, romantic environs of Goa bring some semblance of stability and love in her turbulent life?

Done With Men is one funny and light read! It’s hilarious!  Kairavi’s clumsy acts, awkward situations left me in splits. Author Shuchi Singh Kalra has come up with a ‘chick lit’ that is fun to read, crispy, witty and lighthearted.

P.S. – I loved its cover illustration.

About the Author:
Shuchi Singh Kalra is a writer, editor and blogger based in India. She has freelanced with popular magazines such as Shuchi’s short stories have found a place in anthologies such as Love Across Borders and New Asian Writing’s upcoming collection (to be published in 2014). Done With Men is her first novel.


A day dreamer, chocoholic, golgappe lover, loves reading & day dreaming of traveling throughout India. Khaled Hosseini and Elizabeth Gilbert are favorite authors.
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5 thoughts on “Done With Men – Light, Crispy & Hilarious

  • Madhu Verma

    Interesting review!!!

    The collection of vocabulary you have chosen is just encouraging me to read the book………………..!

    The best message which the author would like to convey through Kairavi or “Done With Men” is that we should not generalize and stay with the bad experiences we had come across through out our lifetime.

    Life is a beautiful journey and in life we all have two choices, one is either be with the condition as they are, and choice two is to take responsibility and make a difference by taking challenges, keep smiling and also by making everyone smile….:))

    God has given us one life and we should love and respect the beautiful creation of God.
    So live life and spread love, Joy and peace.

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