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Blood Pressure Down: Making BP Control Easy, Drug-free and Healthy

January 9, 2014 | By

Blood Pressure Down book offers effective and easy-to-follow checklists and dietary plans that will help you keep a check on your blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Down Review‘Blood Pressure Down: The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks–Without Prescription Drugs’ is the third book by Dr. Janet – who is a nationally recognized expert in the field of health, wellness, fitness and cardiovascular disease.

It’s not just another book on high blood pressure. In fact, it’s a guide to fitness and a healthy heart, especially for those suffering from high blood pressure as it addresses everything from the concept of hypertension to suggesting effective solutions to control and maintain a healthy blood pressure.

The best thing about the book is its in-depth research that goes into writing the book, which is quite evident from the references and scientific aspects provided by the author to prove her point.

Blood Pressure Down‘ begins with a detailed description about the disease – causes, symptoms and risks – in a way that even a layman can easily understand.

Dr Janet’s 10-step plan to help bring blood pressure down is the USP of the book with each step supported with authentic studies and scientific facts. I would specially like to mention here that this book is not just for those suffering from high blood pressure.

This book is for everyone who wants to lead a healthy life by either controlling or avoiding this disease which has affected around 78 million people in America.

It’s not one of those books that preach, preach and preach. ‘Blood Pressure Down‘ offers effective and easy-to-follow checklists and dietary plans that will help you keep a check on your blood pressure.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention my favorite section in the book, the heart healthy recipes, which are more than 50 in number. These simple-to-make recipes with affordable and easy-to-find ingredients are not only healthy, they are very delicious as well.

My recommendation is – go for this book! You will need it more in your kitchen than on your book shelf or in the library.

About the author of the book:

Janet Bond Brill, PH.D., R.D., L.D.N. is a nationally recognized expert in cardiovascular disease prevention and the author of Cholesterol Down and Prevent a Second Heart Attack. She has been a nutritionist in private practice for many years. Visit her website at

Pankaj Sharma is an avid reader, an active blogger and a passionate writer who wishes to read all the classics written by the literary geniuses of 19th and 20th century.
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