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Barcelona, Spain: A Magical Journey

December 19, 2013 | By

Bracelona in Spain is home to many UNESCO world heritage sites and several rich architectural marvels of renowned Catalan architects.

Explore the beauty of Barcelona with this virtual tour.

Photographs by: Sayan Roy
A/V Mixing: Lipi Bhattacharya


Gorgeous beaches, rich architectural marvels, pleasant weather, delectable food, great nightlife, and rich culture and history! Barcelona is an amazing city that appeals to all kinds of tourists be it history lovers or party-goers.

Located on the Mediterranean coast, Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain and is the capital of the autonomous community of Catalonia. The city is home to many UNESCO world heritage sites and several rich architectural marvels of renowned Catalan architects such as Antoni Gaudí and Lluís Domènech i Montaner.

Barcelona is dotted with many of the architectural wonders of Antoni Gaudí such as La Casa Batlló and many more. Want to see how a fairy land looks like? Pay a visit to the Antoni Gaudí’s Parc Güell. It is an intriguing and an unconventional park with colorful staircase, fancy pavilions, serpentine bench, salamander – the dragon statue, and buildings that look like straight from a fairytale. This UNESCO world heritage site is a must visit on a Barcelona vacation.

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Sagrada Familia is a magnificent basilica, known for its detailed exterior and interior design.

Who hasn’t heard of Sagrada Família? It is Barcelona’s one of the biggest tourist attractions. This magnificent basilica is known for its detailed exterior and interior design.

This Antoni Gaudí’s unfinished masterpiece will take another decade to complete. Though incomplete, the church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major landmark for tourists.

Want to get a taste of street life? Head to La Rambla – the Barcelona’s most famous street is always bustling with energy and activities. Popular among tourists and locals alike, this crowded street is a hub of entertaining activities with lots of restaurants, bars lining the street.

Watch the street artists perform, check out stuff at Boquería Market and have fun! And don’t forget to check out the Columbus Monument at the lower end of La Rambla which is dedicated to Christopher Columbus.

Barcelona is a fabulous city. Great and unique architecture, rocking nightlife, and great food make it a magnet for all tourists!

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