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Autumn Kiss

February 14, 2016 | By

An intensely passionate love poem, celebrating the emotional fervour of the lovers.

autumn kiss

“I long for an autumn kiss, Your lips, an olive tree, Shades my benevolence, In this dark murky heath.”
Artwork by Sufia Khatoon

Under the clear sky,
A vast world awaits,
A cosmic creation,
Held in my palms,
Gazed out.

He, my soul subtly whispered,
“I long for an autumn kiss,
Your lips, an olive tree,
Shades my benevolence,
In this dark murky heath.”

The crimson moon stood frozen,
Autumn leaves crackled,
Wolf’s howled death’s song,
Winter chilled my veins,
He stood below the olive tree,
All night long,
My lips quivered, a glance,
Embracing an autumn kiss.

More to read in our Valentine’s Day Special

Autumn Kiss – a love poem by Sufia Khatoon

Kiss Me Goodbye… – a love poem by Sufia Khatoon

Love Like Wine – a love poem by Dr Ampat Koshy

A Lover’s Plea – a musing by Ronald Tuhin D’Rozario

The Red Rose – a love story by Mallika Bhaumik

Togetherness – a love poem by Ramendra Kumar

Love is… – a love poem by Sunila Kamal Khemchandani

Sufia Khatoon is a social activist managing Our World Our Initiative, a social and philanthropic initiative to help underprivileged focusing on helping old people, children and orphans who are forced to beg or earn on the Streets. As an Art curator of Art Fair and artists she has exhibited her works in eminent galleries in Kolkata like Mirage Art Gallery, Birla Art gallery, Academy of Fine Arts, Chemould Art Gallery,  ICCR, Shrimati Art Gallery with more than 20 groups shows in 2 years. She has been featured *India Positive, CNN IBN*, Femina, Telegraph, Times of India, Taaza Tv various online portals, magazines and websites for her social and artworks... She is a young passionate enthusiast who loves to live her life. Writing for her is survival...without which she would lose her vision. Her poetry has been selected for various national and international anthologies namely Magnitude by IIA, Umbilical Cord by Rejected stuff, Milange by Poets corner, Kaafiyana of Delhi Poetry festival, Create2inspire initiated anthology The Dawn Beyond Waste, Avadh Literary Festival anthology 'Lifenaama', Red Balloon Anthology, Hall of Poets, Colours of Refugess, and many more. Her short stories has been published in various anthologies life 25 Strokes of Teen Life by Grapevine,  Seasons of Love, Myraid Tales and Life Sundae, Wordweavers, etc. She is the co-founder  of Rhythm Divine, a poets' group in Kolkata which focuses on promoting poetry, organizing creative writing workshops and featuring poets live on radio. It's about poetry reaching out to people and poets evolving. She is currently working on her poetry book.
All Posts of Sufia Khatoon

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” 
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“Being an architect isn't only about construction, it's about creating wide spaces with small spaces.” ― Yannick Heywang