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Ankhon Dekhi Review: An Enjoyable Real World

April 8, 2014 | By

Rajat Kapoor plays this submissive, respectful younger brother of Bau Ji (Sanjay Mishra) but what he has given to the movie in terms of story, writing, dialogues and direction is priceless.

Ankhon Dekhi

Director: Rajat Kapoor
Producer: Manish Mundra
Cast: Sanjay Mishra, Rajat Kapoor, Seema Bhargava, Namit Das, Manu Rishi, Brijendra Kala
Music: Sagar Desai
Singers: Kailash Kher, Ronkini Gupta, Shaan, Mansheel Gujral
Lyrics: Varun Grover

If you have read through and had been fan of those various short stories that Munshi Premchand/Rabindra Nath Tagore/Sharat Chandra Chattopadhyay wrote about rustic common Indian people living through their chores in a normal life speaking your language you would love Ankhon Dekhi. I did.

Ankhon Dekhi is a very special and different movie for those who have always seen Rajat Kapoor’s movies in a suave cool high-end urban setup.

Sanjay Mishra and Seema Pahwa in Ankhon Dekhi

Sanjay Mishra and Seema Pahwa in Ankhon Dekhi

Rajat Kapoor plays this submissive, respectful younger brother of Bau Ji (Sanjay Mishra) but what he has given to the movie in terms of story, writing, dialogues and direction is priceless.

Sanjay Mishra and Seema Pahwa (Badki of Hum Log) just nailed the characters and other unknown actors built such a real world around Bauji, it was thoroughly enjoyable.

Ankhon Dekhi takes you through a journey of this common lower middle class family head who decides out of nowhere one day to reply only on things  which he has experienced.

How he fights the system who can’t believe his theory and how he leads a pack of friends through these experiences, all lead to a very poignant ending.

Rajat Kapoor plays this submissive, respectful younger brother of Bau Ji

Rajat Kapoor plays this submissive, respectful younger brother of Bau Ji

I started watching this movie with no expectation and at most thought it could be yet another ‘Bheja-Fry’ movie. But what I wasn’t ready for was my uninterrupted undivided attention to the proceedings in the movie where we kept smiling or laughing at situations you might have come across in small town lives we have lived in.

This can be a very subjective movie depending on who can relate to the characters and in my case I did.

Shakun Narang is Administrator of Moviemaniacs Facebook Group


What Others Are Saying

BollywoodLife: “Ankhon Dekhi’s music is much like a whiff of fresh air ‘coz of the heavy influence of classical music carefully juxtaposed with Varun Grover’s lyrics.”

IndiaToday: “The humour goes on till the very end with some hilarious dialogues giving it a complete Hrishikesh Mukherjee feel. The entertainment doesn’t stop till the final scene and you never get bored, which is great considering there are no big stars, no item numbers and no foreign locations.”… “Sometimes the best films are made out of simple stories and Ankhon Dekhi does that too. It touches your heart and makes you smile.”

Hindustan Times: “Ankhon Dekhi is a delicate and delightful film about invisible people — those ordinary folk you pass on the street but rarely pay attention to. Writer-director Rajat Kapoor finds beauty and richness in their lives.”

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Shakun Narang is passionate about people, dancing, music, kids and their safety rights, traveling and city exploring. She is a perpetual dreamer and dream-chaser, a friend for life and companion for all conversations and part time Agony Aunt. A moviebuff and bookworm herself she is actively working on her Facebook communities Moviemaniacs and Bookoholics to be that happy place where people bursting with views and reviews around movies and books can meet and mingle with like minded people.
All Posts of Shakun Narang

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