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A Walk Through Old Times…

June 1, 2019 | By

Its fun to be with grandparents, listen to stories and get pampered with love and affection. Zaynab Shahab recalls a memorable day spent with her grandparents as they take a walk through a beautiful garden, a journey into old times.

An enjoyable story (this is not a ghost story) by Zaynab Shahab for the LnC Special Edition of Stories by Children that came out of Ramendra Kumar’s sessions at the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) 2019.

stories by children

I love listening to old stories from my grandparents about their childhood

“Ok dear, it`s enough for the day, now go to sleep. You have to get up in the morning and get ready for school,” said my grandmother. But what was this “enough” for? I love listening to old stories from my grandparents about their childhood. I feel excited when they transport me into their time, learning about their love for nature, about their running around farms and orchards, splashing in the small ponds, and much more. So, whenever I get free time I sit with them and listen to their stories. And yes, I forgot to mention that this time my grandparents are here with me. The monsoon is over in my home country and they are here for a month and, yes, I have a lot of plans for them.

It was the first weekend since the time my grandparents are here. “I want to go for an outing with my grandparents,” I told my dad. He agreed and asked us to get ready for a trip to Wonder Garden.

Wow!!! I have heard about this place from my friends. It is far from my home; a garden full of flowers and of different colours. We all were excited; our bags were ready and loaded in the car. We drove for two hours and finally reached the much thought of place.

My grandparents looked very excited; they were holding my hands tightly and enjoying the sights all around in surprise. They loved the colourful flower garden. Why not? It was after so many years and as my dad told me that it is from the time he was a child, they had not visited any destination on a vacation.

I could see lots of cheer on their faces and happiness within. Taking me along, they were walking around as if we were all children playing in the garden. I was loving it and was very happy indeed.

Finally, the sun went down and the birds started flying back to their homes, and so did we. We reached home again in few hours and being very tired, I went straight to my room. After a while my grandparents came into my room and hugged me tightly. They had a wonderful smile on their faces and were still very cheerful.

Oops, I went straight to my room without saying good night to them, I recalled. I will remember not to forget this next time but for today I really thought that they had a walk through their old times.

Click here to read all the stories in LnC Special Edition of Ghost Stories by Children from Sharjah

The stories in this edition have been curated by Ramendra Kumar.

ghost stories by children special lnc

Hi, I am Zaynab Shahab, 9 years old and student of grade-5 in Our-own English high school (Girls), Sharjah. I love to be with my parents and enjoy playing with my friends. I am an avid dancer and like reading and writing
All Posts of Zaynab Shahab

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Today’s Motivation

<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>The man of wisdom is never of two minds; he has got clarity of thoughts.
The man of benevolence never worries; he does not expect anything in return.
The man of courage is never afraid; he accepts challenges without fear.
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The man of wisdom is never of two minds; he has got clarity of thoughts. The man of benevolence never worries; he does not expect anything in return. The man of courage is never afraid; he accepts challenges without fear.