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A Roller-coaster Called School

August 14, 2013

As we passed the Bata shoe shop, my mom suggested I buy a new pair of school shoes, as the ones I had were pretty worn out.

by Candice Martins

A few days ago, I went on a shopping spree with my mom. As we passed the Bata shoe shop, my mom suggested I buy a new pair of school shoes, as the ones I had were pretty worn out.

When I told her that I could manage with the pair I had, she said I still had 5 months of school left. It took a couple of minutes for that to register in my mind but when it finally did, my reaction to that little sentence embarrassed my mom and frightened the people around me.

For, my jaw dropped open until it bumped rudely into the ground and the bags I was carrying joined my rather injured jaw way down below me. An extremely high pitched “What?” escaped from my lips which caused the people milling about to stop and stare at me with a mixture of amazement and alarm.

When I finally regained the lower part of my face and my composure (to my mom’s relief) that little sentence set my Grey cells (what few I have) into motion and got me thinking about what my mom had said.

Once I sat down and thought hard about what she had said, I had to admit that along with all the happiness I felt at being free from rules and polka dotted uniforms, I did feel a little bit unhappy about leaving what had become like a second home to me.

School Students

Although like all other kid’s my age I can’t wait to get out on my own, bunk classes and hang out with my friends all day long, I will definitely miss the cocoon of love and security which enveloped me all through my school days

It feels like it was yesterday when I took my first tentative steps through the hallowed portals of my soon to become alma mater, I remember holding my mom’s hand and begging her not to leave me. Of course she did not listen to me and somehow managing to extricate herself from my vicelike death grip she reached me to my class and promised to buy me two brand new party frocks if I behaved myself.

Well, I did behave myself but somehow, till today even one of those promised frocks has failed to reach me. Anyway.. the day wasn’t as bad as I had imagined it to be and so began my roller coaster school life, which has had many highs and a few lows.

Although like all other kid’s my age I can’t wait to get out on my own, bunk classes and hang out with my friends all day long, I will definitely miss the cocoon of love and security which enveloped me all through my school days.

How can I not but miss bunking classes just to pound on the drums in the music room or my friends and run along the labyrinth of corridors to avoid the sister coming up the stairs?

My sister tells me that in college the lecturers couldn’t care less if we did our assignments or not.

If that’s the case, my intellectual capacity will suffer as my imagination won’t have a chance to run amok trying to come up with appropriate excuses to give the teachers when they demand my home work! Armed with all the excuses I have used in my life, I could write a book that would put Arundhati Roy to shame!

These are just a few things I won’t get to do when I embark on my very adult business of forming a career. But I guess life has to go on and all I can do is reminiscence about my fun filled school days.

However my sister feebly consoles me saying that without mom watching my every move like a hawk (she is a teacher in my school) life will be sheer bliss! Still, I wonder if that will make up for all the joy and love I have ever experienced in my school life.

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning. ~ 
Claude Bernard<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning. ~ Claude Bernard