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A Haunted House

June 1, 2019 | By

A spooky house, a spooky school bus, a spooky school – the kids don’t know where to turn and then Thomara comes up!

An enjoyable ghost story by Zahra Abbas Manasawala for the LnC Special Edition of Ghost Stories by Children that came out of Ramendra Kumar’s sessions at the Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF) 2019.

Once in a house there lived a family of six people. There were three children whose names were Jack, Peter and Mia, and the others were adults. The house was new and they had just moved into a weird place called Ruffletown.

Peter’s friend, Andrew, the worst troublemaker had told him that Ruffletown was haunted, and he believed him.

“You will be going to a school named trick or treat,” Mia said.

“That sounds spooky. Why did we have to leave our old house?”

“I don’t know. I think we left because your grandpa lives here. Just don’t talk to me right now,” the mother said in anger.

Jack told Mia to calm down because the mother broke her promise of not shouting at her. “Well, then why did she have to shout and break a promise?”

Jake sighed. “Look Mia, Mom has limitations too. You just have to manage, just this once.”

Mia said, “Okay, but she has to make it up to me, or else…”

“Guys, come down for dinner! Your mouths will be filled with what I have made!” Mom said.

“Mom, I can’t come, I am busy!” Peter said.

Mia and Jack both went to Peter’s room. He was studying something under a lamp. Mia turned on the light, and Peter told her to switch it off. “Shh! I am studying about the information of Ruffletown. It is very less on Internet, but here is what it says: Ruffletown is spooky by its name. It was ruled by Thomara (pronounced as Thu Maa Raa) in 1678. People still say he is alive, in the dungeon of Ruffletown Palace, which is now a museum.”

“Wait, Ruffletown Museum is now forgotten, and looks like a house just like this,” said Mia. “Do you think…”

“Guys, don’t spook me. You guys are brave but I am not! Just can we talk about this after dinner?” Jack interrupted Peter. They ate dinner as fast as racing cars.

“Come on kids, off to bed; I’ll tuck you in… ooh and Mia, is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”

“Mom can we stay up for a while, as a favour since you owe me?” asked Mia.

“Ok, only till nine, you don’t want to wake up grumpy on your first day of school!” Their mom giggled.

Mia frowned, missing her old school. They studied more about Ruffletown and this is what they found: Ruffletown was found in 1650. Thomara ruled it in 1678. They said that Thomara was a very spooky man and people say he named the town Ruffletown, and before he came it was nameless. Now, people believe in Thomara as an idol. Thomara was spooky, that is why everyone is spooky now. Some people also are called the truthful, their personality is by the name; anyway, they say that his grave is in a house that has a scratch mark.

“Wait a minute,” said Mia. “Our house also has a scratch mark.”

“Well, there is a house that looks the same! Let’s figure it out.”

“Let’s do it tomorrow okay,” said Peter.

Next morning, they awaited their bus. Their bus had no light, no AC, no nothing! They reached school. It was super spooky. There was morning assembly going on. There was such a weird school song, it went like: blah blah blah. They could not even pronounce it! “Only if you are a true zombie you could say it!” said Mia.

“I quite agree,” said Peter. Jack was scared. School got over within half an hour.

“Ugh! Why do we have to study about what to do if you are dead?” Peter said.

“Well, at least we get to go back home!” said Jack. He was so terrified, that he could not even sleep!

“Mia, c’mon! We have to investigate remember?” said Peter, waking up Mia.

“Investigate about what?” Mia groaned.

They reached the old, creepy looking house that looked the same as theirs. They opened the door, it was just like the scene in ‘Goldilocks’, when she opens the bear’s house, but creepier!

Suddenly, an old man came up from the basement and screamed, leaving Mia and Peter in shock! It was Thomara! Mia almost fainted, while Peter tried to save himself by pointing the torch at him.

“Little kids! Don’t be afraid. I will help you find whatever you want to find. I am Thomara, by the way,” said Thomara.

Peter was in shock. “Aren’t you supposed to be evil?”

“Well, all spooky people are not evil. Only some are. People say that I was very kind hearted. Now, since people think I am dead, the whole Hallowen party died,” said Thomara.

“Well, why don’t you make things correct?” asked Mia. Soon, Thomara felt a boost of energy to rule. He walked on top of the castle, still alive. He stood up at the microphone on stage in the ballroom and announced that he was back. People were shocked, he still looked the same. But he stood up and said how the two children helped him and how he was still alive. Even Jack and the rest of the family loved the news.

Click here to read all the stories in LnC Special Edition of Ghost Stories by Children

The stories in this edition have been curated by Ramendra Kumar.
ghost stories by children special lnc

My name is Zahra Abbas Manasawala. I study in Our Own English High School, Sharjah - Grade 6. I love reading, Swimming, dancing, and hula hooping. I started writing stories and poems since I was nine. My parents encouraged me to write ‘The Haunted House’.
All Posts of Zahra Abbas Manasawala

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<div class=at-above-post addthis_tool data-url=></div>Positive parenting tips from Ramendra Kumar, the author of Effective Parenting Book which suggests a fresh avatar for the new age parent, with stories and lively, useful parenting advice.<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Advanced Settings generic via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons above via filter on get_the_excerpt --><!-- AddThis Share Buttons below via filter on get_the_excerpt --><div class=at-below-post addthis_tool data-url=></div><!-- AddThis Share Buttons generic via filter on get_the_excerpt -->
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