In a well furnished nursing home
Germinated a seed,
A girl child was born
Like an unwanted weed,
In a well furnished nursing home
Germinated a seed,
A girl child was born
Like an unwanted weed,
Some were crying
Some were groaning,
Mama was sobbing
Papa was mourning
In such circumstances
She set out on her life’s first day
In the world
She was sent to make her own way.
She had a cute face,
A charming innocent smile,
And could enchant even a person
Who glanced at her for a while
She laughed like an angel
With eyes shining like a pearl
May be she was unaware of the fact
That she was a mere girl
Nobody took her in his lap
Even the mother wasn’t feeding her
How could that innocent but know
That they made plans for weeding her out.
With trembling hands her mother
Opened her mouth,
And dropped in it a grain of rice,
She did her work quickly and efficiently
Without thinking twice
Suddenly that grain choked the bay’s wind pipe,
The baby went blue
After a minute, her heart beats stopped.
To the heavens her soul flew,
No leaf stirred,
No one bothered,
After shedding crocodile tears
Everyone sobered
Even if they had bribed the hospital staff
From God their sin they cannot hide
How they had destroyed His gift,
How they had killed a girl child!
This poem was first published in (between 1999 to 2002)
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